Chapter 32

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I finish my sketch putting down my pencil and I stand up and James takes it.

His eyes go wide and he stiffles a laugh as he looks at the drawing and then at Dylan.

"Done!" My mate eventually declares and James takes his drawing and pretends to be examining them.

"Well done Luna you have won," he says.

"B-but," Dylan stutters.

"Dylan I think you knew she would win from the start," James says shaking his head and holding up the two pictures, one of a stickfigure girl and boy riding a weird stick figure of what I assume is a large wolf and the other picture is a wolf howling at the moon.

"But mine was full of emotion. I don't often show emotion," Dylan says.

"I judged execution not meaning," James laughs.

"Don't worry I like it," I tell him kissing his cheek softly making him growl softly and my cheeks go red blushing a bit, shyly and I look down hiding my blush.

He smirks and within seconds my back touches the mattress of my ed in the infirmary where the Alpha and Beta were or are busy keeping me company.

Dylan begins to kiss my lips and I can't fight back at all although it's not like I even want to fight back. It's like the more time I spend with him, the more I struggle to resist him. This is coming from a girl who tried everything to get away from him, from running in trees while being chased by wolves to literally jumping out a window.

His hands are firm on me, refusing to let me go.

"M-maybe we should stop. J-James is still here," I say breathlessly as he lifts his lips for a moment.

"Mine," he growls out and I really don't know what's happening.

I am grabbed and pulled from Dylan's arms by James.

James puts me in the corner furthest from my mate who I am rather confused about right now.

"Ahhh!!!" I scream as a wave of pain suddenly shoots through me.

"What this should definitely not be happening. You still have two weeks left," he exclaims.

"Sasha," Dylan growls and I feel scared but I still have control of myself unlike last time.

"Dylan control yourself," James says.

"That's Alpha to you, now out of the way," Dylan growls, his irises now red.

James bows his head in submission and steps aside.

I am picked up in Dylan's arms and placed back on the bed and he rests his head in my neck and sniffs and kisses my mark tenderly.

His eyes turn normal and my pain suddenly seizes.

His eyes stare are at me.

"Sasha I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen," he says.

"W-what happened. W-why were you like that? W-why was I in pain?" I ask scared.

"It's fine Sasha, your body is just preparing for heat. It's totally normal. My wolf was just responding," he says.

"Dylan your wolf could have mated her," James says.

"I can't control that side of me," he replies.

My body trembles as the reality sinks in of how bad everything is. I have two weeks before he goes all possessive wolf and claims me. How can I not be absolutely terrified.

"Dylan c-can I ask you something?"

"Sure Sasha," he replies.

"C-can we get married? I-I understand if you don't want to it's just that I find it wrong to um mate with someone if we are not married," I say.

"If that's what you want then okay, I know you shouldn't have to to go through this, so anything to make this all more comfortable and pleasant for you I will do okay," he says.

"How are we supposed to get a human minister or someone to perform the ceremony when last I checked humans don't marry until they are over the age of 18 at least that's what normally happens and most of all she's been missing from home for over a month if she just appeared to get married it would be suspicious," James points out.

"I know. So you're going to get the qualifications to marry us online and then perform the ceremony," Dylan says.

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