Chapter 13

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My ears perk up as I hear a loud scream which I identify as Sasha's.

I don't wait for my back up to catch up with me and I race towards the sound smelling her blood and scent increasing.

I break open a door to an old shack like shed and run down the steps inside to see cells with the bodies of lifeless wolves, rouge and non rouge alike.

I follow Sasha's scent, afraid of what has become of her and I open a door and I see a chair against a metal wall with Sasha tied to it. Her arms tied behind it and her ankles bound to the chair legs and her waist to the chair.

Her body slumps forward consciously, her beautiful brown hair is now messed up and hangs down.

"SASHA!" I exclaim shifting into my human form and running to her and the door closes behind me.

"What did you do to her," I growl turning to face two rouges.

"I gave her a makeover specially for you, don't you like it. I mean what is the saying, beauty is pain," one of them sneers walking towards her and I snarl angrily and he steps back.

I lift her head gently and look into her eyes which she struggles to keep open and I look at the bloody wounds marring her soft fair skin.

"No Sasha, stay with me darling," I beg her.

I turn around and run at one of them and begin to mercilessly pound her into the ground.

"Just a little makeover huh! I'd like to give you one as well then!" I say pounding him.

I see the door closing.

"Come back here coward!" I snarl.

"Coward sure but I wonder who will die first, you or your mate. I bet it will be you, wolfsbane in it's gas form can't do any damage to her, not immediately anyway and it wouldn't do anything if she wasn't in such terrible state instead it'll slowly and painfully kill her after infecting her wounds, the infections will increase her pain and if she doesn't die from that we'll kill her once you drop dead. Maybe you should kill her to give her some mercy," he sneers through a gap that allows only sound through.

I see the wolfsbane slowly enter the room, the blue gas coming from behind Sasha and I see it was a bomb that wouldn't explode instead it would let out wolfsbame gas when it detonated.

I look at Sasha, she coughs from the gas and I run to her and break her ropes and pull her to the other side of the room so the wolfsbane will take longer to reach us.

I hold her in my arms tightly, she is so weak right now from already being exposed to quite a bit of the gas, not for long but it still affects her a bit as it is poisonous, she inhaled it, they didn't take into account that it is poisonous to inhale for humans they however can touch it in solid form without any harm well unless it is used on a dangerous object then it's dangerous.

I lie Sasha down and attempt to break down the door, eventually managing, with my wrists burnt from wolfsbane and pure silver dust on the door

I pick her up and carry her as I run out of the place.

I see my warriors already engaging in battle and I want to help them but Sasha is too weak to be left on her own, she's half conscious and coughing and urgently needs to go to the pack doctor.

"I'm going to the pack house to get her treated. She's in terrible condition, if she weren't I'd stay and fight, I tell my Beta as I pass him and he nods before finishing the fight by ending the rouge opponent.

I run to the pack house or mansion and take her to the infirmary and I lie her on a bed.

She coughs up some blood and I feel terrible.

The doctor comes in.

"What happened!?" She exclaims.

"She was kidnapped by rogues and injured, she was poisoned by wolfsbane," I say.

"I see, I'll give her some medicine to combat the symptoms of wolfsbane and treat her wounds," she says.

"Now just hold her up for me I want to give her something to knock her out-"

I growl angrily at the statement cutting her off and pulling the weak and exhausted injured girl against me.

"It's best for her, she won't feel the pain when she's asleep. You don't want her to feel pain because she will, she just won't be able to express it as well because of her currently weak state," she says and I reluctantly let her give Sasha the medicine and I watch as my mate falls unconscious in my arms and I lie her on the bed.

Carly, the doctor, tends to her wounds and puts up an IV for her with medicine to treat her.

"When can I take her back to my room?" I ask.

"I want to monitor her a bit but a few hours after she wakes up if she's stable, the drip will be kept in for a while so you will need to be gentle with her. She must limit walking around for a while, so I suggest keeping her just inside the room and bathroom till the IV is out."

I nod in compliance.

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