Chapter 24

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I nervously play with my fingers looking at the ground as I walk beside Dylan.

I can't see a thing from under the blindfold tied over my eyes which encases my vision in total darkness.

I feel dirt slip underneath my feet and I scream as I feel only air beneath me as gravity pushes me down.

"Sasha!!" I hear Dylan's voice scream and his hand quickly grabs mine.

"D-Dylan," I whimper.

"It's okay baby. I'm just going to pull you up nice and slowly. I promise I won't let you fall," he says.

His words don't help as I feel gravity continue to pull me down and my fear makes my hands sweaty and I begin to slip from Dylan's hold.

"D-Dylan I'm scared," I whimper, unable to see anything.

"It's okay. Just stay calm," he whispers gently to me as I feel my body being lifted up.

Suddenly I hear a growl.

"Of all times," he mutters under his breath.

"Dylan what's going on?!" I exclaim confused and terrified.

He pulls me up to land and suddenly pushes me on the ground and I hear a huge growl.

"Dylan!" I exclaim.

"Sasha stay calm. I'll protect you," he says.

I lift my fingers to the knot which secures the blindfold.

"Dylan the knot is too tight and I can't remove the blindfold," I whimper knowing I can't run if I can't see where I'm going. I understand people who are born blind or have been blind for a long time can navigate without sight but for someone who is very much accustomed to being able to see, being blindfolded makes it nearly impossible to get around especially in an unfamiliar place.

I scream in pain as I feel razor sharp teeth bite into my leg.

"Dylan help!!!" I scream feeling blood run down my skin.

I hear something hit the ground and a growl resonates near me and the animal biting me is force off.

I feel my blindfold ripped off and I stare at a beautiful black wolf in front of me and I see three snarling wolves in front of me and I crawl back and my hurt leg slips.

The wolf goes in front of me growling and snarling at the other wolves in a protective manner.

The wolves run at me at once and he fights them all off and I shut my eyes not wanting to see him die.

I feel a tongue lick my cheek and I open my eyes and the wolf shifts into Dylan.

"It's all over now," he whispers to me as he lifts my legs up over his arm and wraps my arms around his neck and holds me.

He walks further into the forest and I see a picnic blanket with food set up in a secluded are with a waterfall.

He carries me to the water and sets me down on the grass and gently washes my wound while I flinch every time his skin touches the injury.

He takes off his shirt and expertly wraps it around my leg as a bandage and I notice his wounds have mostly healed.

"I know this date has been terrible so far but how about we enjoy the picnic," he suggests and I nod.

He picks me back up and takes me to the blanket and sets me down and I look in the basket to see an assortment of delicious food.

As cliche as a picnic date is I guess cliche still works considering how I can't help but appreciate his effort in setting up the picnic and everything.

I look into his dark brown eyes which match his hair and I close my eyes and slowly lean forward and my lips touch his gently and I soon after lift my lips.

"Thank you for doing this for me and for saving my life. I really appreciate it and I am sorry for always giving you a hard time. I just want to make sure I don't make any mistakes that'll haunt me for the rest of my life," I whisper to him.

"Sasha has someone hurt you before besides your parents? You seem to be rather cautious in love and you have these walls that you construct around yourself. Whenever I make progress with you I always end up at the beginning again," he sighs.

"You noticed?" I ask.

"Yes Sasha. So did someone hurt you?" He asks.

"I just once fell in love and yes I got hurt badly because of it. I don't want to talk about the details. I am only trying to stop it happening again by being careful. I don't want to make the same mistake twice," I say tears swelling in my eyes.

His arms surround my body and he pulls me onto his lap and I lean into him and he plays with my hair which I don't know why but it has a calming effect on me.

"I understand if you don't want to go into detail but I appreciate you telling me as much as you did," he whispers in my ear.

"How about we ask each other questions to get to know each other better?" He suggests.

"Okay," I say.

"Favourite colour?"

"Blue," I reply.

"I prefer black," he says.

"That's not a colour. So what's your default then," I say.

"What?! Black is definitely a colour," he gasps defensively.

"No black is the absence of light as white is the absence of darkness," I say.

"I can like whatever I want," he protests.

"Yes but black is not a colour," I say.

"But you can't tell me what I think," he says.

"I can if your thoughts are completely wrong," I laugh.

"Your laugh is cute," he says and my face immediately goes red.

"So is your blush," he adds on.

I roll my eyes and push him off me and get to my feet.

I scream and fall down as the pain I had managed to forget about races through my leg and I cry from it.

"Sasha, it's okay," Dylan whispers taking me in his arms and cradling me and holding me against his chest.

"I-it hurts," I whimper.

"We should get going back to the pack house it'll get late and I don't want to take you back in the dark especially since you don't have an increased tolerance for pain and quick healing like my kind. Rogues can use the night time to their advantage to take you out and losing you is the last thing I would ever want," he says standing up.

"But the blanket and food-"

"Some of my pack members will come and clean it up," he says as he carries me.

I snuggle up to him as we walk and after about half an hour we arrive at the pack house and he takes me up the stairs and down the passage to the bedroom where he lies me down on the bed.

"I'll get the doctor to come check out your leg now okay," he says and I nod.

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