Chapter 71

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"Let me go outside," I moan as I lie stuck in the bed with giant walls of pillows surrounding me and a giant wolf lying on my legs with his head on my stomach.

He looks up at me, glares and growls.

I regret getting pregnant. I regret it entirely. I mean having a live being inside of me is just um great but throwing up every morning, having irrational cravings and a super overprotective werewolf mate is not what I would consider pleasant.

If that is not enough I don't only crave weird food combinations but I crave going outside. It is super weird and I am pretty sure it has to do with my child being half wolf. I ended up sleep walking outside one night.

Not only that but I thought Dylan was instinct driven enough before I got pregnant but it turns out that was nothing. The werewolf literally pins me down with his wolf and has his head rested on my stomach whenever possible. This is because he can apparently protect me better if he is right on me, stuck to me like glue and he also wants his child to know their daddy.

As sweet as that is the child will have their entire life to get to know their daddy. I want to punch something right now. I would punch him but he is my mate. He has saved me from multiple kidnappers, excluding himself, although I did walk into most of those kidnappings. Therefore I just don't have the heart to punch him.

"Okay you will get off me or I will punch you!" I yell.

He whines and I feel pity. I must have hurt his ears and he is only trying to protect his pups. I'm such a horrible person.

He whines before shifting and I sob into his nice warm bare chest as he holds me.

"Its okay," he coos.

"I'm sorry. I am such a horrible person—"

"No you're not. How about I carry you outside? I don't want to let go of you and you crave the fresh air," he suggests.

"Sounds good," I mumble.

It sounds very good. I am very lazy despite craving to go outside. Normally having some giant werewolf carry me everywhere and deny me use of my two feet would make me infuriated. As a girl pregnant with a werewolf pup, I however find his strong arms that are always willing to carry me to be perfect. I don't have to exert myself and I am always able to smell his nice smell. Don't ask me why he smells so scent, I don't know. Okay maybe it is the whole mate thing but I don't think he has ever smelled so good as he has been ever since I got back.

"You would like that wouldn't you little one," he says.

"I am not little and do not call me little one," I mutter.

"I was talking to our pup but you are little as well. I have seen human fifteen year olds taller than you," he says kissing my ear making me giggle.

"Well ever thought that you are abnormally large— wait what did I— forget I said anything!"

"Such a shy little mate."

"I am not shy, normally. Can we just go outside. Please."

"Since you asked so nicely I guess I can only agree," he says picking me up and carrying me out of the room.

"What if we wake up other people?"

"Relax I promise that they are solid sleepers and the walls are soundproof. They need to be for werewolves."

I snuggle my head into his chest in response. The feeling of his smooth skin and muscles against my cheek and hands is so nice.

I can't see the trees as we walk outside in the dark although from the fact that I have yet to slam into any of them I assume Dylan is able to see better in the dark than I can. Although I cannot see in the dark to begin with.

I feel a kick at my stomach. It is small and although it is surprising I know where it came from.

"Dylan the baby just kicked," I whisper in his ear.

He almost immediately sits me on a rock and lifts up my top to reveal my stomach that he places one hand on whilst using the other to support my back.


Sorry that it is a shorter chapter it may be made longer in the future.

Okay so I want to finish this book in a few chapters but at the same time I really don't want to finish this book just because I have been working on it for so long. I also don't know how to end it but it will end soon. Maybe even next chapter (Not saying that it will be next chapter).

I definitely want to start working on the second book soon although soon might not be too soon. I am in my final year of high school and with Coronavirus there is a lot of added stress.

Even when I do finish this book I might still post some updates since I am considering rewriting this book. The rewrite will be in a separate book if I do go through with it. The reason I want to do this is because of the mess I made in the first 20 or something chapters. I want to create a better plot line and whatever.

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