Chapter 21

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I enter the bathroom to hear Sasha exclaim,"Ice cream!"

I laugh as I see the girl looking at the ice cream like a starving wolf setting eyes on a deer.

"It's all yours however I'll feed you so the ice cream doesn't end up in the bathtub and you don't eat it all too fast," I say sitting on my knees and opening the ice scream.

I take a spoon and begin feeding her the ice cream which she visibly enjoys.

"So when I finish the tub of ice cream we'll either swim to Antarctica, well you'll be swimming and I'll be on your back or in your arms because I can't move much with this heat. I can't even walk. I can just sit up and lie down in the bath but that uses a lot of energy as is. Otherwise you can mark me," she says.

"Sasha marking isn't something to be taken so lightly. You'll regret it when it's over and you'll make me sleep on a dog bed for the rest of my life till for taking advantage of you in this state when you are so desperate for your pain to be relieved," I say.

"But Dylan I can't bear this pain. If you must get your phone and I'll record myself giving you permission," she says.

I sigh and take out my phone and start a recording.

"I, Sasha Connors, want you to make this pain stop and just mark me Dylan," she says and I stop recording.

"Sasha can I maybe get you out the bath and into some dry clothes first. I want you to be comfortable seeing as it is going to be painful," I tell her.

She nods and I take her out the bath and give her some dry clothes I had ready for her for when she got out the bath and she manages to dress herself despite her pain and weakness.

"Dylan the ice cream is going to melt," she says.

I nod and take it into the room and put it into a mini freezer I have on hand next to my mini fridge and I go back and carry her to the bed.

I get on her and I look down at her.

"Please just end this pain already Dylan," she says pleading with me.

"I'm sorry if this hurts or I go rough with you. When I begin marking you I won't stop till my wolf instincts are satisfied," I whisper leaning down.

My hands take her wrists and place them next to her neck and I softly lick the crook of her neck and I softly nip at it to make her skin soft to try and make the process less painful for my mate although that won't change the fact that she's going to experience terrible pain.

My canines extend and I bite into her flesh and she screams and she struggles as I hold her wrists but I've begun the process and I can't stop till I've placed my claim on her properly.

"Dylan stop!!" She screams in pain, kicking and screaming.

I taste her blood seeping from the wound and I eventually remove my canines from her skin and I lick her wound as she pants heavily. I release her wrists.

"It's all over now Sasha," I whisper looking down on her and she opens her eyes which had been squeezed closed.

"I healed it as part of the marking process but it'll hurt for a while. Do you want to see it?" I ask.

She nods hesitantly and I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom and sit her on top of the vanity and turn her to face the mirror.

She looks at the bite marks which have black swirls coming from each to form a circle with a half moon taking up half of it.

I smile seeing it and I move her hair to make sure she can properly see it.

"That's my mark on you, my claim. The black represents my wolf as it is black. Marking is important for us wolves as it shows other males that you have a mate and it gets most males well werewolf males at least to back off," I explain resting my head in the crook of her neck.

"You have a month till your next heat. The first heat is to initiate marking if a couple hasn't done the marking soon enough, the second heat comes if you have experienced the first and that is to initiate mating if not done by then," I explain.

"M-mating? B-but I'm 17!" She exclaims.

"And I know that and will do everything I can to honour that. But if you try force me to swim to Antarctica well I might not be able to," I say.

"You know this doesn't mean I love you. It means I tolerate you," she says crossing her arms.

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