Chapter 54

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My legs swing back and forth whilst I sit on his desk, faced with an extreme boredom that can rival school assemblies, which I am so happy I don't have to go through anymore seeing as Dylan won't be letting me go back to school. Well there is no way I am going to be able to go back to school when a certain werewolf Alpha has adopted a whole new level of being over protective.

"Please Dylan," I whine in an effort to let him allow me to leave the office and go do something like going outside or talking to Lila or playing with the pups.

"No," he firmly replies, refusing to bend to my cutest puppy eyes that sparkle with hope.

I have tried everything possible to leave this office. I have tried to sneak out, kiss him, manipulate him, bribe him, bribe James and then bribe Zack and now puppy eyes but he just won't break. Is it too much to ask to just go outside of the office outside his line of sight?!

I mean he kind if does have good reason to keep me here. His nightmares have been plaguing him for the past two nights.

He wakes up with terrible cold sweats, he screams throughout the night and when he wakes up he is panicking, afraid that I died.

It's frightening seeing him in that state when he wakes up. I know he is like this out of fear for me and that makes me feel somewhat guilty. If he was not worrying about me then he would not be like this.

In a way it is sweet that he cares so much but I would not call waking up believing me to be dead and panicking to be entirely sweet. The only sweet thing is how much he cares for me.

If I was in his position having those nightmares I know I would be exactly the same, not wanting him to leave me and I do kind of feel that way but I do need some space.

"I understand that you want to protect me but I am bored. I want to see Lila or go outside-"

"You are not allowed outside without me," he growls.

"This is ridiculous Dylan. I know those nightmares and all you went through was very traumatizing and you want to protect me but keeping me stuck as your shadow is only going to make me mad. I deserve at least some freedom. I can defend myself. I travelled some of the way to the pack alone and I was fine. I managed to hide from my brother and-"

"And I can defend myself as well and I got captured. Sasha, I love you and I don't want you to get hurt. Whenever you are not in my sight I worry that you might have been kidnapped or hurt and you know I am justified in worrying about that. You have been kidnapped how many times?" He asks.

"Dylan I can't even bath or go to the toilet without you being in the bathroom even if you are not looking, it is getting too much and we have only been back here for a day. I think we need to get you some help. Maybe the doctor can-"

"I am fine Sasha. I just don't want you to get hurt. Lately you've been more reckless, going out to battle when you could have been captured. I'm sorry but as much as I want to believe you I just am afraid of losing you," he says.

"And you will lose me if you keep up this possessive and overprotective behaviour. I deserve some freedom," I tell him getting up and storming out the office.

So that turns out to be one way to leave, having him left speechless.

I clench my fists infuriated by Dylan when he is being a dominant Alpha male. I know I can't judge him after what he went through but that does not justify being so controlling or make his actions right.

"Sasha!" I turn to see Lila coming towards me with a big smile on her face, alive with energy like usual.

"Hey Lila. I'm sorry I didn't see you earlier-" I apologize to the Omega.

"No it's fine, I've heard the big bad Alpha is being a little overbearing," she says with a giggle.

"Yeah. He is only worried about me but I don't like how he is trying to control me as a means to keep me safe," I sigh.

"Well we do have the Beta and Alpha prisoner. If they escape they can take you with them. He is looking out for you but to extreme lengths. It is a normal thing in male lycans. It's why females don't fight, because those possessive men believe we will get injured. Although if you think about it like that then maybe it is for the best that we females don't fight, the second we get a little scrape on our leg in training our mates will fuss over us as of we are dying and I guess it is better being protected than fussed over like a helpless baby," she says.

"Yeah," I agree.

"So do you want to come to the daycare with me?" She asks and I nod smiling.

We make our way into the large room where the children are finger painting, their clothes covered in paint and I can't help but feel sorry for their poor parents who will have to wash that paint out.

"Luna!" The little pup named Ren exclaims seeing me and she runs to me, hands full of paint and I pick her up before the paint gets on my clothes.

"Luna you came! You must see my picture. It is the bestest!"

I put her down and follow her to the tiny table and I need to go down to look at the picture. What is nice about little kids is that they are smaller than me. It is nice to not have to stare up to people, such as Dylan.

I look at the picture and turn my head slightly trying to interpret the messy lines and squiggles of finger-paint that covers the white page.

"It is really really beautiful," I tell her looking at the work which is an example of abstract art and for fun I silently begin trying to interpret it.

"It's a wolf!" She exclaims holding it up and I tilt my head and squint my eyes trying to see the wolf in the green, purple and blue splotches of paint.

"It looks so beautiful," I tell her.

There is no way I am ruining a little girl's dreams by telling that that is not a wolf or any known shape to humans or wolves. It is not lying considering I never said to her that I could see the wolf.

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