A Good Morning

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I decided to take my morning tea outside with my brother Bilbo. The Shire was abuzz with life and I could almost taste change and strawberries on the summer air. Bilbo was sitting on a bench on our front lawn while I sat nearby with a cup of tea, some cakes, and cheese and egg toast. A book on Dwarven culture was open on my knees. Bilbo was having the time of his life blowing smoke rings.

After I had put my dishes in the sink, I sat down and continued to read. Bilbo leaned over my shoulder.

"Reading about Dwarves again?!?!? Bella, sometimes I think that you care more about those ruffians than you do Hobbits! You're practically all dwarf! You haven't even met one, I bet."

"How would you know?!?" I spluttered.

"She's right, you know." Bilbo and I turned. A very tall, old man cloaked in a gray robe with a gray beard and hat on his head stood there. I think I've seen him somewhere.

Bilbo sat silently for a moment before uttering the two stupidest words to come out of a person's mouth at that moment. "Good morning." At least he has some manners.

"What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?" the old man leaned forward on an intricately carved staff. I had to have seen him somewhere.

"All of them at once I suppose." I groaned and face planted into my book. The old man sighed. Bilbo turned and tried to get up, but I yanked him back onto the bench by his sleeve.

"Can we help you?" I smiled sweetly.

" In Bilbo's case, that remains to be seen. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure." The corner of his mouth flicked up in a smile as I instantly perked up.

"An adventure?" Bilbo's jaw was practically on the ground, "I don't imagine ANYONE West of Bree would be interested in an adventure." he shot me a look as he retrieved the mail from the mail box. Bilbo had been expected to raise me as a proper high society lady ever since our parents passed away.

"You think they're nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things."

"AND THEY MAKE YOU LATE FOR DINNER!" Bilbo flicked through the mail, clearly done with this conversation. He turned and began walking up the steps to our door. He turned and said good morning once more. Couldn't he think of anything better to say?

"To think that I should have lived to be 'Good Morninged' by Belladonna Took's son as if I was selling buttons at the door! At least his sister has some sense!" recognition flooded my mind. The book slid to the cobblestones.

"Beg your pardon?"

"You've changed. And not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins."

"I'm sorry, do we know you?"

"Yes! Bilbo, I think you know his name at any rate, but I'm not sure you know that he belongs to it. He's Gandalf! And Gandalf means....him!"

"Not Gandalf the Wandering Wizard who made such excellent fireworks! Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. I had no idea you were still in business." Bilbo took a puff on his pipe.

"And where else should I be?" Gandalf's incredulous look was most amusing. "Well, I'm pleased to find that you remember something about me, even if it is just my fireworks."

"I remember loads about you, Gandalf! I'm so happy to see you again." I sprung off of the bench and into his arms.

"Well, that's decided. It'll be very good for you, Bilbo. It will make your sister very happy." I shot Gandalf a questioning look.

"And it will be most amusing for you I'm sure." I smiled.

"Wonderful, I'll inform the others."

"Inform the who? NO, NO, NO, NO! We do NOT want any adventures HERE! I suggest you try Over the Hill or Across the Water. Good morning!" Bilbo shut the door, leaving me on the porch with Gandalf. I could hear the lock click. Bilbo had been shutting out new ideas for most of his life. Today was no different.

"Shall I invite you to tea Wednesday? I'm sure Bilbo won't mind you inviting 'the others' over, whoever they are." I said this full well knowing that it would annoy my brother to death. Gandalf said that would be lovely, turned, and strode up the steps towards the newly painted door. He scratched something into the surface with his staff and looked in one of the windows. I wished Gandalf well and he went on his way.

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