An Unexpected Party

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Wednesday evening came and Bilbo set out three plates while I got dressed. I had weaved flowers into my hair earlier. I pinned my floral stomacher on top of my puffy sleeved chemise. I heard the doorbell ring, so I quickly put on my sleeveless blue overdress and tied it to my waist with a gold ribbon.

I pattered quickly to the front hall where Bilbo was standing with the door open staring at... a DWARF! The dwarf was tall, muscular, and was bald above the ears. He had an impressive mustache and a dark green cloak.

"Dwalin, at your service." I curtsied.

"Belladonna and Bilbo Baggins at yours. May I take your cloak?" Bilbo stood with his mouth open and tying his bathrobe.

"Do we know each other?" Bilbo questioned as Dwalin stepped into the house and handed me his cloak.

"No. Is it down here?"

"Is what down where?"

"Supper. He said there'd be food."

"Sit yourself down in the living room and I'll start fixing some more eggs and fish." I waved Bilbo into the living room.

I could vaguely hear Dwalin and Bilbo conversing in the living room when I heard the soft tinkling of the doorbell.

"I'LL GET IT BILBO!" I ran to the door and eased it open. A much older looking dwarf with white hair and a kind face was standing on the other side.

"Balin, at your service my lady." I curtsied again.

"Good evening."

"Yes, yes it is."

"However," I sighed, "I think it might rain a little later. But it shouldn't be too bad. The really bad summer storms don't usually start for another three weeks."

"Am I late?"

"No. Please come in." Balin did and he found Dwalin attempting to relieve the cookie jar of its charges.

"Evening brother."

"By my beard," Dwalin dropped the cookie jar and stepped towards his brother, " you're shorter and wider than when we last met." I left to check on the bread and pies in the oven. All I could hear from the living room was raucous laughter and a loud crack as the two dwarves headbutted each other. The doorbell rang again. Bilbo followed me this time.

When I opened the door, two young, good-looking dwarves stood on the other side. One was blond and was wearing furs. The other dwarf had dark brown hair and had the shortest beard I'd seen on a dwarf.

"Fili," the blond one stated,

"... and Kili.," The dark haired dwarf smirked.

"At your service!" they simultaneously exclaimed as they bowed. I chuckled. They were so amusing.

"You must be the Bogginses!"the dark haired one exclaimed excitedly.

"Nope, you can't come in. You've come to the wrong house!" Bilbo attempted to shut the door.

"Has it been canceled?!?!?" Kili's eyebrows furrowed.

"No one told us anything." Fili rushed to back up his brother.

"Excuse my brother's lack of manners. Nothing's been canceled. But our name is pronounced Baggins, however." Fili nodded.

"That's a relief." Kili and Fili walked into the house and I ran to the oven as I could smell the bread baking.

I had a feeling that Bilbo was getting more frustrated as the dwarves talked of seating arrangements being sure 'that there was room for everyone'. The doorbell rang again.

"No! There's nobody home! Go away and bother somebody else!" I rushed to the door before Bilbo in all his anger could wrench the door of its hinges. However, Bilbo had already thrown the door open and there were about eight dwarves piled on the mat. Gandalf was standing in the doorway chuckling.

"Gandalf!" I smiled and curtsied.

The dwarves were absolutely going nuts in the pantry and the kitchen was chaos. But I was loving this. I had never seen so many dwarves at one time. Bilbo however was ordering them to put every speck of food back. He was clearly not amused as I was.

"Yes, you're quite right Bifur. We do appear to be one dwarf short."

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