The Wizard's Return

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---Two months later---

The days and nights began to run together ever since Thorin and I had started courting, but waking up to him every day was undoubtedly the best thing to come of this quest. We had been staying at Beorn's house for much longer than we had originally intended and all thoughts of the quest had drifted to the back of our minds.

Gandalf had been saying for weeks that we could be leaving any day now, he had even left to take care of some quest related business, but today seemed to be starting off the same as always. My eyes opened and I rolled over to see Thorin sleeping like a baby, but he had a tiny scowl on his face. Even in his sleep, he's still grumpy. Poor thing. I crawled to the little ladder that led down from the empty barn's loft, grabbed what passed for my nightdress from where I had dropped it the night before, and left the barn after slipping it on.

It was getting chilly in the mornings now, and I shivered as I trekked across the grass towards Beorn's house, where I could smell fresh bread baking and so many other delicious homemade foods cooking. I knocked on the back door of Beorn's house and after a few seconds, my brother opened the door. He eyed me for a moment before sighing and stepping away from the door to let me in.

I still wasn't fully used to all of my friends bowing every time that I entered a room. Thankfully, Fili and Kili cared nothing for decorum as usual and they charged towards me and lifted me off the ground in a bone-crushing hug.

"GOOD MORNING, AUNTIE!" they shouted simultaneously. I planted a kiss on the top of each of their heads as they set me down.

"Good morning, boys! Just be careful you don't wake up your uncle, alright?"

"Do we look like we care, Auntie?" Kili smiled.

"Besides, even if we did wake him up, we can just use you as a human shield." Fili said. I smacked him on the back of his head and moved to get myself a seat at the table.

"I'm not your shield! You two have those strapped to your bags. Who was on breakfast duty today?" I gestured vaguely with a butter knife.

"Me, my Queen!" Bofur smiled and tried to bow extravagantly, but he hit his head on the table. He appeared to be fine since he popped back up with a smile. I nodded and went to butter two thick slices of bread since I knew Thorin would be up soon.

I had evidently guessed right. As I was buttering the second slice of bread, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and the tickle of Thorin's beard as he buried his head into my shoulder. 

I stopped buttering the bread for a moment, "You're getting your hair in the butter, Gimlelul."

"No good morning for me, Gehyith?" I couldn't see his face but I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"No need. Don't you remember? I said good morning before we went to bed."

"Were you two really up that long?" Fili's mouth widened into a mischievous smile.

"Well, the sun was up when we both went to sleep." I blushed and stared down at the slice of bread that lay in front of me only half-buttered.

"That's a record even for you two! No wonder all of us were awake all night! You weren't exactly quiet." Kili waggled his eyebrows suggestively. I looked across to see Bilbo staring pointedly at his plate, the tips of his ears as red as tomatoes. The rest of The Company must have noticed Bilbo as well because they all burst out laughing. 

"Alright, that's enough! Whoever continues this conversation will be forced to sit outside and watch for Gandalf's return. Here's some bread and butter, Gimlelul. I'll go and get dressed and return shortly to finish breakfast." and with a quick kiss from Thorin, I was off, carrying a thick slice of bread and butter.

It had warmed up a little since I had been inside so I decided to stop and eat before getting dressed. I was about half-way done with my slice of bread when I heard a faint whinny in the distance. Thinking it was one of Beorn's ponies waking up, I continued eating but stopped again when I heard a familiar voice calling out.

"Belladonna, my dear! Good morning!" sure enough, Gandalf was riding atop a horse that he had borrowed from Beorn two weeks ago. 

Although his voice had sounded cheerful from far away, I could see that he looked incredibly worried as his horse trotted closer. I quickly finished eating my bread and ran to meet him. 

"What's wrong, Gandalf?" 

"Hurry to get dressed and come back to the house." with that,  Gandalf left me standing there. Something must be very wrong.

I nodded and ran towards the empty barn where I had slept. I pulled on my loose gray dress and hurried back to the house, leaving the barn door open. I had a feeling that I would be coming  back quite soon.

When I entered the house, I saw Gandalf seated at the table near Beorn, spreading honey on a slice of bread rather thoughtfully. I weaved in between a few members of The Company to sit next to Thorin, who slid a plate of breakfast to me.

I leaned over as if to put my head on his shoulder and whispered, "Has he said anything?"

Thorin shook his head, "I feel he may have been waiting for you. It must be important." Just then Gandalf set down his knife, cleared his throat, and looked around at all of us.

"I'm afraid I have some very grave news for you all."

"Did you lose your scarf Mister Gandalf?" Ori asked sleepily. Fili and Kili rolled their eyes but they wilted like flowers when Gandalf looked at them sadly.

"No, Ori."

"I suggest you tell them what is wrong before the young ones in your Company lose their minds." Beorn leaned back in his chair.

"I am sure you're right, Beorn. Now for my news." Gandalf paused, looking as if he wasn't sure how to continue.

"Oh, get on with it, Gandalf!" Dwalin folded his arms across his chest.

"After breakfast, we must leave this place." a wave of gasps and whispers erupted from The Company. I set down the slice of honey cake that I had been nibbling on.

It appears I had been right to leave the barn door open.

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