Of Wake Up Calls and Meetings

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A bird chirped loudly near my ear and I cracked open one eye. A small blackbird was perched on the edge of the couch staring at me. I smiled at it but it suddenly hit me. The only way that I could be staring at a beautiful little blackbird was if I was outside. The blackbird chirped again and retreated to a nearby tree as I turned to the source of warmth next to me. It was Thorin. We must have fallen asleep talking.

He was still sleeping peacefully. Good, he'll need it. I attempted to sit up to take care of an enormous crick in my spine, but I was blocked by an arm. Thorin was clutching me to his chest like a teddy bear. I sighed and turned to the tree where the little blackbird was watching me with pointed interest. I began whispering quietly to the little creature.
"Well, what do you want me to do? I don't want to wake him up. Poor soul needs his sleep." The small bird chirped back.
"Well, I suppose you're right. Might as well stay right here. I need a rest as much as he does." I snuggled back into Thorin's side and began tracing patterns on his chest.

I had only been enjoying Thorin's silent company for a few moments before I heard the loud rustle of leaves and barely hushed voices. I looked up and saw The Company led by Fili, Kili, and Bilbo enter the courtyard. I groaned and buried my head in Thorin's chest. They weren't exactly being quiet. 

"Would everyone do me the courtesy of shutting it? Our fearless leader is sleeping and I don't want to deal with him later when he's all grumpy and fussy." Fili, Kili, and Bilbo let out girlish shrieks once they turned around.




"WHAT KILI SAID!" Bilbo frowned at Fili for a moment before realization dawned on his face and, shrieking again, his eyes snapped back to me. Kili clapped his hand over my brother's mouth and shot me a smirk.

"I know what you're thinking, and no! We were, well, I was cold and we were having a conversation and we fell asleep! That's ALL!" I whisper-yelled.

"A conversation huh? Then why is your nightgown falling off of your shoulders?" I yanked my gown back up on my shoulders and glared at Kili. 

"That only happened because was I lent the nightgown by- you know what, never mind."

"Never mind what?" Thorin asked sleepily. His voice sounded even better in the morning.

"Never mind explaining myself to your idiotic nephews; they're not listening to me. I am going to chew them out now, if that's alright with you of course."

"Absolutely." just as I was about to take Thorin's advice, I noticed Gandalf and Elrond entering the courtyard searching for someone. Gandalf noticed me and turned to speak to Lord Elrond, who glided over towards me with a raised eyebrow.

"I won't ask, but I will tell you that I have someone that is waiting to meet you." Lord Elrond smiled as my eyes widened.

"The Lady Galadriel is here? Excuse me Thorin, I've got someone to meet! If someone could get my stuff for me whilst I'm gone, that would be lovely!" I had wriggled out of Thorin's grip and was halfway up the stairs to Arwen's chambers by the time that I finished my sentence. I quickly shoved open the door and found Arwen waiting for me with a dress and chemise that were my size.

"I wanted to give this to you eight years ago, but you had left by the time I remembered. When Ada told me that you'd be meeting the Lady Galadriel, I dug this out of my wardrobe. Hopefully it fits." I thanked her, gave her back her nightgown, and slipped into the chemise and gorgeous blue dress. I smoothed down the silver threaded front panel and gave a quick twirl.

 I smoothed down the silver threaded front panel and gave a quick twirl

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