The World is Ahead

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When I arrived, Bilbo was sneezing violently.

"Ugh, horsehair. Having a reaction." he began patting his pockets. "STOP. Stop. We have GOT to turn around." the line of ponies jerked to a stop.

"What Bilbo? Did we forget to put back the dishes exactly as Mom and Dad did 45 years ago?"

"NO. But I did forget my handkerchief." I had half a mind to get off my pony and slap him. Then again, if I did I wouldn't be able to get back on.

"Here. Use this." Bofur had torn a scrap of his shirt off and threw it at Bilbo. Bilbo sniffed the scrap of fabric in his hand fearfully. I remembered the handkerchiefs I had stuffed in a side pocket of my pack. I retrieved one and directed my pony toward Bilbo. 

"Use one of mine. Heaven knows that you'll never use that scrap. Give that piece of Bofur's shirt back and I'll sew it back on tonight." Bilbo thanked me profusely, kissed the silk scrap, and threw the piece of Bofur's shirt at me as if it was an offending piece of trash. To him it most likely was.

"You're luck your sister remembered her handkerchiefs. However, you'll have do without many more things that are dear to you before our journey has come to an end. Home is now behind you. The world is ahead." Gandalf chided and looked as if he was contemplating snatching the handkerchief from him.

"There are are many paths to tread, Bilbo. I just pray that we won't trip and fall over cobblestones along the way." I gripped the reins tighter at the thought of failing this company. They were counting on Bilbo and I to help them reclaim their home from a dragon, despite the fact that we were practically ants compared to them, not to mention the dragon.

"We undoubtedly will. That's the nature of adventures."

"Maybe in your eyes. But falling means experience. Besides there is always someone there to patch you up, even if it is just you and you think you're alone."

"Falling means broken bones." Thorin called roughly from the front of the line.

"Broken bones can heal." I squared my shoulders and trotted up next to Fili and Kili.

"Great. Now's there's three optimists and two idiots in our company." Fili huffed.

"Who's the other idiot?" Kili tipped his head. The entire company burst out laughing.


"We will set up camp here for the night." Thorin's curt words were like water to a dying man. Bilbo hopped off of Myrtle and wobbled for a moment before steadying himself. He took a step forward and face-planted. His sentiment was shared by all as nearly every dwarf had dropped to the ground.

"UNNCCLLE! You didn't tell me that Erebor was on the other side of Middle Earth. My legs are going to fall off before we get there." Kili lay spreadeagled on the ground, barely discernible in the fading light, chest heaving. I leaned over him from the back of my pony.

"If they do, you won't be able to get inside the mountain. I highly doubt that they will, no matter how far Thorin makes us ride or walk. Besides, if your legs do fall off, Oin can sew them back on."

"True. Oin, you might run out of thread before our journey's end." Dwalin leaned over and punched the healer in the shoulder. He leaned back and massaged his aching muscles.

"Kili's dead? No, I'm afraid he is very much alive, despite the fact that Thorin's running all of us into the ground. You haven't even had the decency to help the lass off of her pony! She's been up there all day."

"SHAME ON YOU UNCLE!" Fili kicked Thorin in the calf as he walked past. Thorin kicked him back and paused in front of me. Just as I was turning to hop off, I fell again. That's what I get for trying to ride a pony for the first time. But I fell straight into Thorin's arms and nearly knocked him over. The Company wolf whistled as Thorin placed me on my feet and left to organize the night watch schedule.

Later that night, I sat by the fire quietly sewing the ribbon onto my hat. I looked around at The Company of Thorin Oakenshield and smiled. This was going to be a long and wonderful journey and I was happy to be here.

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