Chapter one - Stupid Dean Winchester

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Dean (POV)

"Hey Dean!" Kevin calls and comes running over to the lunch table.

"Hey Kev." Kevin Tran was my best mate and we practically did everything together. We were both on the football team and in most classes together so we were pretty inseparable

"Guess who we are playing against next fall!?" Kevin started ranting about a team we were going to be playing against but I wasn't really listening because Castiel Novak, the school punk had just walked in to the cafeteria. This was strange as he almost always had lunch outside with the rest of his little gang but obviously decided to hang out in here today.

"Earth to Dean? Are you there mate." I jumped and quickly turned my head to face the little black haired boy who was smirking at me.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing, just getting a little... Distracted there are we?" Kevin snorted and I blushed 50 shades of red.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I sniff and sit up stiffly.

"Look Dean, I've seen the way you look at him-"

"Who?" I cut him off.

"The Novak kid, trust me. I know when someone is in love and you my friend are as whipped as they come." He snorted and I growled.

"I'm not gay."

"Ok ok, but if you were, it's cool bro." I thought about this for the rest of lunchtime. Would my friends really except me if I were gay? I didn't think they would but Kevin really proved me wrong today. Okay maybe Kev would except me but what about the rest of the lads? What about Lisa, Jo and Becky? Would they? I looked back over at Novak who had gone to sit next to one of his friends Charlie. She was in some of my lessons and I got on well with her so maybe I could prize a bit of information out of her without showing to much.

And that's exactly what I tried to do.


"Hey Charlie." I said to the crazy red-head beside me.

"Hello Dean. How are you?" She smiled kindly at me.

"Oh I'm great, how's your friend? Castiel is it?" I ask trying to sound uninterested but conversational at the same time.

"He's fine, why do you ask?" Charlie turns to me and grins. Shit. Does she know? No she can't know? Although she is a lesbian so her gaydar is 100% working.

"No reason." I say, I look up at her and was about to ask her something else but the teacher interrupted me.

"Mr Winchester. If you have something to say to Miss Bradbury perhaps it can be shared with the rest of the class as well." I was so annoyed with the interruption that I turned to her, looked her dead in the eye and said;

"I was just going to say to Charlie, that I can smell your breath from all the way back here." The class jeered and cheered while the teacher went red in the face before shouting at me to get out and that I had detention after school. I shrugged and stalked out of the classroom without a second glance back. It was the end of the school day anyway so I just decide to hang around in the hallway until it was time for my detention.

Detention time

I walked to the library after saying goodbye to all my friends and explaining to Sammy that he would have to get someone else to take him home today. He threw me his classic bitch face before stalking away from me mumbling something about me being a useless brother.

I sighed as I opened the large doors to the library and found the principal standing there shouting at a boy whom I couldn't see as he was behind him.

"Ahem." I fake coughed as to get his attention and he turned around quickly.

"Ah Mr Winchester. Why don't you take a seat next to Mr Novak here and you can explain to him why he should do something useful with his time like play football instead of smoking on school property." He said before walking off. My heart stopped a beat as I looked at the boy in front of me who was sat on a chair with his feet on the desk smirking at me. God he was so hot.

"So Mr Winchester." He said my name! Ah fan girl moment. "Care to explain why I should play football like a good old sport instead of smoking on school property?" I coughed awkwardly and went to go sit on the seat next to him. I didn't have to as there was loads of other seats available but this is my one chance to be close to the beautiful boy and I had to take it. Besides he didn't seem to mind and he turned his chair to the side so he was facing me.

"You shouldn't play sport, you should do what makes you happy. And if smoking on school property makes you happy then I think you should do it pal." Wow Winchester, that was smooth. I almost gave myself a pat on the back.

"Thanks Winchester. Wise words from a dumb old jock." My heart fell and so did the smile from my face. I looked away from him and to my desk.

"Oops did I hurt your feelings? My bad. At least I didn't call you a faggot." Cas sneered and I just kept quiet not wanting to say anything. How could he use that word when everyone knew he had slept with guys before?

"Ohhhhh." He said and I turned to him sharply. "Are you?" He scooted a little closer and I backed away slightly still not answering him.

"Oh my god you are aren't you?! Ha ha this is amazing! Who knew that the most popular guy in school, the football captain teen heart throb Dean Winchester was gay?! And I found out only by joking with him! This is epic" He laughed and I looked at him angrily.

"I'm not gay." I lied

"Sure about that?"



"Shut up Castiel!" I growled

"Oh feisty. So who do you fancy out of all the boys in the school?" I groaned inwardly and turned to him. He smiled at me and this time it wasn't a sneer or a smirk but a genuine smile. I couldn't hold it in any longer. That smile made me say the most stupid thing in the history of the world. That smile ruined my frigging life.

"Y-you." I spluttered out and the smile slid from Castiel's face. He squinted his eyes and tilted is head to the side in utter confusion. The bell rang that ended detention and after school activities and I ran out of the library faster then I had ever done before.

"Dean wait!" I heard Castiel cry but I didn't. I just kept running and running until I was at my impala. I heaved myself in and drove off quite dangerously to try and get home so I could lock myself in my room and never show my face again. Why? Why did I do that? What in Gods name possessed me to tell him?! I ran up the stairs of my house and flung myself on my bed in my room.

Stupid stupid Dean Winchester!

Oops sorry for such a short chapter but it was sort of a starter for things to come hehe. Hope you enjoyed!

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