Chapter 9 - unhappy endings and a new beginning

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Cas (POV)

I could feel my heart breaking in my chest. A lump had formed in my throat and I was about to choke on my own tears. I could barely breathe as I walked home in the dark and stumbled around due to not being able to see through my teary eyes. I wiped my nose with the sleeve of my jacket and sniffed angrily. What are you doing Castiel?! Crying over a boy? God you're like a dramatic teenage girl, grow up. He's not worth your tears, that cheating assbutt! I sighed loudly and rubbed my forehead. Before I knew it I was at the front doors of my house and unlocking them. I walked in and ran straight up to my bedroom and flopping down on my bed.

"Cas? You okay bro?" I heard Gabriel's small voice come from my doorway. I turned to look at him and smiled sadly.

"Yes Gabriel, I'm sorry." I say and he looks at me confused.

"Eh? What for?"

"For being a horrible brother. To answer your question from a couple of weeks ago if you want someone to know that you like them you should show is so it is so obvious to them. You should flirt with them and treat them nicely. You should take them out and look at them like they are your favourite person in the world and above all never kiss someone else while THEYRE IN FRONT OF YOU!" I shouted the last part while the tears came pouring down my face once again

"Dean?" He asked and I nodded silently. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed into his shoulder crying like a little baby who had just fallen off the coach.

"Oh Gabriel, what do I do? I'm in love with the stupid bastard!"

"Did you give a chance for him to explain?" Gabriel mumbled into my chest and I drew back and coughed awkwardly

"Er, no?" It came out more of a question then an answer.

"Let him explain then."

"I don't want to, I saw with my own eyes what they were doing! I never want to see him again!" God now I really sounded like a teenage girl. Gabriel rolled his eyes at me and smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry Cassie." He said and I sat on my bed. "Thanks for the advice though.." With that he walked out of my room, leaving me all alone to grieve for my cheating boyfriend. I looked at my phone to see I had like 20 missed calls and 5 new messages all from Dean.

Cas! You have to let me explain! -D

It wasn't what it looked like, I promise! -D

Please Cas!

Answer the damn phone! GODAMNIT!

Sorry I didn't mean that, please just answer the phone baby.

I sighed and locked my phone without answering any of Deans messages. I wiped my eyes before going across my room and in to the en suite bathroom. I shedding off all my clothes and hopped into the newly running shower. I had to admit I felt a slight bit better under the hot running water but nothing could heal my aching and cold heart.

Dean (POV)

"I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up." I repeated all the way home. I was even shouting it when I was in the house pacing around the living room.

"Dean? What are you doing back so early?" Asked my baby brother from the coach. I jumped when I heard him and yelped slightly

"Jesus Cas! I mean uh- Sam? You scared me."

"Something on your mind?" Sam chuckled and I groaned.

"Oh Sammy you have no idea what I've done! I messed up real bad cause you see, Lisa came up to me saying she needed to speak to me and dragged me upstairs and I was like, what? And then she kissed me and Cas walked in to the room when I was about to push her off me and then she said something about a threesome and he stormed out of the house so I followed him and found him in an alley way and basically now he hates me!" I cry out without breathing and I can tell Sam is finding it hard to keep up with what I was saying.

"Dean! Slow down! So what you're saying is Cas caught you cheating on him?"

"I didn't cheat on him! She came on to me and I was in the middle of pushing her off me when he came in!" I shouted angrily and Sam out him arms up in defeat.

"Alright alright! Jeez. Look have you explained all this to Cas?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and I out my head in my hands.

"No, he won't give me the chance to talk to him!" I cry.

"Well corner him in school and spell it out for him. He should believe you, he's got no reason not too..."


It was Monday morning and I had gotten to school early to try and catch a glimpse of Cas which was a mistake because he was almost always late to school. I sighed dramatically throwing my arms up in the air when the school bell rang and head to lesson. I had decided to take Sam's advice and spell it out for him. I ha to tell him that I never cheated on him and that I was so in love with him. The first couple of lessons went by quite quickly and when the bell for lunch rang I jumped out of my seat and went looking for my boyfriend. I ran along the halls but stopped abruptly when I saw them. There was my boyfriend sticking his tongue down Lisa's throat. Man that girl could get around fast. I felt my heart breaking there and then and when they both broke apart Cas caught a glimpse of me and looked at me. When he saw me staring in utter horror he smirked and waltzed over.

"Unhappy endings and a new beginning." He whispered in my ear before running to join Lisa and grabbing her hand. What did he mean by that? Did he mean we were over?

Of course it means you two are over Dean, you stupid idiot? Look at him! He's all over her!

It took all my willpower not to burst into tears there and then. Instead I waited until I was out the school doors and in my impala to scream and shout and hit the steering wheel. I decided to skip the rest of school because there was no way in hell that I could take seeing them together ever again. Instead, when I had calmed down I logged on to Facebook but on there was even worse. Apparently Lisa and Cas were the new 'it' couple. I couldn't help but let a few, maybe a lot, of silent tears run down my face. How could he do this to me? He didn't even give me the chance to explain to him that it was a misunderstanding on his part. Oh he wouldn't like that, being told he was wrong.

I knew there was only one way to speak to the love of my life and that was going to take me back to where it all began.

A/N: hey guys, sorry for the short chapter but it's sort of a filler for the next one :-) any who, what did you guys think? Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, it's evaluate I had to write this on my phone and let me tell you, my thumbs are killing me to death! Well not to death because I'm perfectly healthy but they're hurting okay?

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