Chapter 23 - merry sexmas

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Dean (POV)

"You're not having it."

"Yes we are."

"No! we are!"

"No, us!"

"Guys, you all realise how weird this conversation actually is right?" Sam says putting his head in his hands. "We are fighting... Over lube... For sex... With males." (Shoutout to destiel28 for this glorious line)

"Shut up Sam." We all say at once and begin breaking apart from each other, eying the small bottle that was now on the floor.

"you know... There is another bottle in the car." Gabriel says raising an eyebrow. All of us look at him in shock and then anger.

"What?! Why did you not tell us this a little sooner Gabe?!" Cas shouts at his little brother frantically and Gabriel just shrugs.

"I thought it was funny." His face breaks out into a huge grin as me and as start storming out of the room, but not before Gabriel calls out; "Merry sexmas."

"I can't believe this. That stupid trickster!" Cas mumbles running back down the stairs. I start laughing slightly and turn on my heel to walk back to our bedroom, waiting for Cas to come back. I was nervous, why was I nervous? I know it's been over a year but it doesn't seem that way to me. To me it only seems about a month and I've lasted longer without sex before but i couldn't believe that Cas wouldn't have sex with anyone else while I was out.

"Here we go!" Cas comes back in to the room holding the small bottle triumphantly.

"Cas, can I ask you a question?" I look at him sadly and he tilts his head and squints his eyes in confusion in that adorable way he does.

"Of course Dean."

"Why did you stay by me? While I was in the hospital I mean? You could have gotten anyone else in the whole school so why stick by me?" I look down at my hands but take a glance up to see the shocked look on his face. He comes over to sit next to me on our bed, but instead sits on my lap and wraps his arms around my neck.

"I stayed because whenever I thought about moving on I felt sick. I felt physically sick to the stomach, like I couldn't bare the thought of living without you. After a while when people started getting used to the idea that you probably weren't going to wake up they started believing that I would get bored at sitting by your side so they started hitting on me again, but whenever someone did I shouted at them. I said; how dare you try and seduce me when you know I have a boyfriend." This makes me laugh and place a small kiss on his mouth.

"Seduce?" I ask quirking an eyebrow up and he just shrugs.

"It's a valid word. Anyway, I didn't want to be with anyone else. I didn't want another relationship because I knew that any other relationship I would ever be in would not compare to ours. I wouldn't be able to play fight with them or argue with them the way we do. I wouldn't be able to give in to them or draw for them, I wouldn't be able to do all the little things that no one else knows I do because you are the only person I've really let into my personal life and I wanted it to stay that way. I wanted you to keep my secrets and I wanted I keep yours- I wanted.... You. I wanted you to wake up and hug me. I wanted you to get Sam and run away with me and Gabe. I wanted you to just come bounding in to school one day and surprise me in lesson shouting 'I'm fine Cas! I'm yours again!' And I would jump up out of my seat and run to you and wrap my arms and legs around you and you would carry me out of school bridal style but it never happened, I filled my head with these hopes wondering if they were ever going to happen and the more time I spent without you the more I got depressed, the more I knew I could never fill that aching hole in my chest with anyone other then you. I started ... I started hurting myself again and I know that I shouldn't have but I felt so lonely and the pain on my flesh made the pain in my heart not hurt as much." He finishes, looking at me teary eyes. I smiled at him sadly and hugged him tight.

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