Chapter 14- the surprise

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Dean (POV)

I was hoping and praying the Cas would be where I wanted him to be and to make sure he was I asked Charlie for help. I didn't think she would due to me being an absolute dick to her a couple of days ago but It was worth a shot.

"Hey Charlie." I say walking into lesson ad sitting down beside her.

"I'm not speaking to you." She sniffed moodily and I sighed.

"You just did."

"Well I'm not going to again."

"You did it again." I grinned and she looked at me angrily

"What do you want Dean? Can't you see I'm busy, trying to learn here, hello!" She says sassily flicking her hair behind her shoulders.

"How can you be learning, the teacher isn't even here yet?" I chuckled

"There's a starter on the board." She stated simply before turning away from me and starting to write something down in her notebook.

"Oh right, well what I have got to say is a lot more important." She turned to me expectantly and I took a deep breath in.

"Ok I'm really really really really really really really really really really really sorry! I shouldn't have said that awful thing about me being more important then you and Alfie because the fact is I'm not. I'm least important then you and you wanna know why? Because you two had the balls to come out to the school and completely accept your sexuality fully where as I was too much of a pussy to do that. I'm so sorry Charlie and I really hope you can forgive me because the fact is I really need your help- you're the only one that can help me apart from Meg but I don't really want to go to her because she's a bit of a big gob and..."

"That's my best friend you're talking about." She stated bluntly.

"Ah, ok sorry but she is even you gotta admit then."

"Ok Dean."

"What?!" I asked stupidly and she rolled her eyes.

"I'll help you dumbo. What with?"

"You mean you forgive me?" I asked excitedly but my smile fell when she shook her head.

"No I don't but I will do one day, you're too funny to fall out with for too long so go on, what do you want help with?" I grinned at her and hugged her and I swear I saw a flicker of a smile on her face.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!"

"Yeah yeah."

"Right! Basically I need you to get Cas to have lunch in the main hall today." I say smiling at her and she looked at me confused.


"Just trust me on this okay? You'll know why soon enough."

"Okay I'll try but he doesn't like eating in the main hall especially because he knows you eat in there." She states sceptically and I nod.

"Yes I know but I also know that you of all people would be able to get him in there. Oh and another thing, don't tell him I told you this."

"Well obviously not Dean, if you wanted him to know you would have told him yourself" she let's out a grin and I grin back at her. "What are you up too?"

"I'm taking you advice." I say smiling crookedly at her

"What advice?"

"I'm going to get Cas back the only way I can. I'm going to come out."


This was so fucking nervewracking. I was pacing in front of the lunch hall doors shaking like a leaf. I had already almost walked off twice but I knew I had to do this, I knew I had to just go in there and get Cas back. I stood still for a moment and took a deep breath in before opening the doors to the hall, it was crammed with people and I swallowed hard.

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