Chapter 8 - fancy a threesome?

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Cas (POV)

I walked into the house, the music blazing and thudding around the walls. Bodies were grinding against each other to the music and girls and boys alike were sticking their tongues in each other's mouths. I don't usually come to these sorts of parties, I prefer the parties that play rock songs and people are smoking weed and having a laugh with each other- but I found out that Dean was coming so I couldn't resist agreeing to Lisa's invitation.

"Castiel? What are you doing here? You don't usually come to these sorts of parties?" A fit blonde came up to me and smiled sweetly.

"Well yeah but, I thought id come by and say hey." I grin at her and she starts twisting her hair flirtatiously. I wink at her and start walking further into the house. I catch a glimpse of all the football players lounging around in the living room, drinking and laughing. I walk into the room and sit on one of the couches smirking around at the team. They stop laughing and look at me questionly.

"Hello boys." I say before grabbing a random drink from the table and start drinking it.

"Hey Cas, what are you doing here?" Says Lucifer.

"I was looking for Winchester, know where he is?" I asked quirking an eyebrow.

"Dean? Erm why are you looking for Dean?" Another one piped in, I think it was Kevin Tran.

"Personal reasons." I shrugged and Kevin smirked at me knowingly. I looked at him questionably but decided to ignore it.

"I think he's upstairs with Lisa," a team member snickered. "If you know what I mean." My smile dropped and I growled under my breath. I stood up and began walking out the room and up the stairs angrily. I looked in the bathroom first but there was only a girl being sick over the toilet. I groaned and walked to the next room which I assumed to be Lisa's parents bedroom, no one was in here so I went to the next room where I heard voices come out from it. I couldn't hear what they were saying so I opened the door and walked in. And there he was. With his lips on a girl standing in the middle of the room. They ripped apart when I walked in and Dean looked at me horrified.

"Cas.." He breathed out and I just stood there looking at him.

"Oh hello Castiel." Lisa giggled hiccuping slightly. "Fancy a threesome?" I looked at her in disgust and turned on my heel to walk out of the room.

"Cas!" Dean shouted from behind me but I wasn't listening, I just kept on walking.

Dean (POV)

I walked into the party with the rest of the team looking forward to having a drink and letting go. It had been the best day ever, waking up next to Cas and walking to school with him laughing with him then kissing him before going to lesson. I remembered lunch time when he walked past our lunch table and whispered something in my ear that I daren't repeat. My friends had been asking what he had said all day but of course I didn't tell them. I grabbed a drink from the kitchen counter and went to go sit in the living room with my friends when Lisa came over to us.

"Hey boys." She had said seductively.

"Hey Lisa."

"Great party." They all chorused back but I just stayed quiet thinking about this morning and smiling happily.

"Hey Dean?" She leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Yah?" I asked looking at her and smiling slightly.

"Can you come upstairs with me for a second, I need to ask you something." She said sweetly.

"Uh sure." I say stupidly putting my drink down and getting up of the coach. My friends starting whooping and jeering and I just rolled my eyes at their childishness. I walked up the stairs with her and then into her room. I had been in her room before but that was when I was proving to everyone I wasn't gay for the hottest guy in school.

"So.." I say walking in as she shuts the door behind us. "What is it you wanted t-" I got cut off my her smashing her lips on mine. I was in the middle of trying to push her off when I heard the door open and we both jumped off each other. I looked at the door and there he stood. My heart stopped and my eyes went wide.

"Cas.." I breathed out and he just stood there staring at us.

"Oh hello Castiel, fancy a threesome." I heard Lisa say. Cas looked at her in disgust before turning on his heel and walking out.

"Cas!" I try shouting him running after him but Lisa grabbing hold of me then falling over nearly tripping me up. "Cas!!!" But it was too late, he was gone. When I finally got out of Lisa's grip I ran out of the room and down the stairs trying to find any sign of the mess of jet black hair. People were trying to stop me to talk to me but I just pushed them out the way and ran out the front doors. I began running down the street trying to find a glimpse of Castiel anywhere but I couldn't see anything at all. I ran a bit further and found a man leaning on a wall in an alleyway smoking.

"Cas?" I say and the man turns to look at me his face in shadow.

"Get away from me Dean." Said the man and I recognised Castiel's voice immediately.

"I wasn't getting it on with her." I say quickly and I hear him scoff.

"That's not what it looked like to me. You know what, you're just like your stupid jock friends. I don't know why I thought you were any different just because you were gay. That's obviously bullshit! What else have you been lying about hmm?" He came closer to me standing right in front of me getting in my face. "Were you lying about loving me as well just to get in my pants Dean?!"

"No!" I choke out tears forming in me eyes. "Of course not!"

"Pfft, sure. I'm outta here." He says before flicking his cigarette and walking away from me without looking back.

A/N ouch sorry guys. It couldn't all be raindrops on roses though heh heh... Anyway hope you enjoyed! Xoxox

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