Chapter 24 - skinny dipping

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Cas (POV)

I wake up wrapped in Deans arms and sigh contently, I have never been happier. I snuggle closer to him and put my head in his chest, my hair tickling his chin which makes him wake up.

"Morning baby." Dean grumbles tiredly and tightens his arms around me.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I replied and kiss his neck softly causing him to moan slightly.

"Cas, don't you think we did enough last night?" He chuckles

"No." I reply back grinning and crane my neck to kiss his mouth.

"Oh, okay then." With that he flips us over so he is on top of me, grasping my arms and holding them above my head. He leans down to kiss me gently but I have other ideas. I open my mouth and run my tongue across his bottom lip. "Slow down." Dean chuckles and I shake my head.

"No." I say again and Dean puts his forehead on mine. We latch lips again, open mouths and tongues sliding against each other. Dean started grinding on me gently causing us both to moan in pleasure but we both stopped when we heard a massive bang coming from Sam and Gabriel's room.

"What the hell was that?" Dean asked me and I shrugged, leaning up to kiss him again but he backs away. "Don't you think we should check on them?"

"Ergh, you're such a tease." I groan loudly as Dean slides off me and grins.

"You're so desperate." He laughs and I glare at him.

"Do you blame me, Winchester?" I snap at him an he just laughs, placing a sweet kiss on my lips before pulling on a pair of sweatpants. I followed suit and we were soon both plodding down the hallway towards the crashes and smashes coming from Gabriel's and Sam's room. We open the door to find Sam pulling CDs from the rack that we had brought to listen to some music and throwing them at Gabriel who was trying to dodge them but failing miserably. Sam was red in the face with fuming anger and Gabriel had an apologetic look on his face.

"What the hell is going on?!" Dean shouted and Sam stopped throwing for a second to look at Dean. Gabriel let out a breath of relief and stood up straighter but suddenly a CD case flung across the room and hit him in the face.

"You stupid candy eating midget!" Sam screamed at him as Gabriel ran towards us and cowered behind me and Dean. "Get out! Get out of my room." With that, Gabe ran off down the hall leaving a very confused me and Dean and a very angry Sam in the room together.

"What the hell is going on?" Dean asked again a bit calmer this time. Sam collapsed on to his bed, put a pillow over his face and started screaming into it angrily. Me and Dean looked at each other before slowly backing out of the room and shutting the door behind us.

"Maybe we will have a better chance at talking to Gabriel." Dean said and I nod in agreement. We walk towards the stairs and go down them towards the kitchen where we assumed Gabriel would be. We weren't wrong. Gabriel had apparently gone into the car and got all the food that we brought and scattered it across the dining room table. He was now eating it all.

"Gabe! That's to last us a whole week!" I shout at my little brother who had a face full of chocolate.

"I don't care! I'm upset!" He cries dramatically before stuffing another couple of blocks of chocolate into his mouth.

"Why happened?" I said calmly, walking over to him and putting an arm around him. He looks up to me, then at Dean and then back to me again.

"Can I just tell you and not him?" He point to Dean and look down at his hands sadly.

"Of course. Dean, go away." I say to Dean and he looks at me with feigned shock.

"What's the magic word?" He teases and I raise an eyebrow at him.

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