Chapter 7 - i love you

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Dean (POV)

Me and Sammy are walking to school due to the fact that the Impala is in the garage. I complain about this the whole way to school when finally Sammy just starts walking off without me, fed up with my complaining and moaning. I am still muttering to myself when I walk through the front gates of school and across the parking lot when Cas comes running up to me.

"Hey babe." Hey says smiling but I ignore him. I'm still angry with him about last night and I have a lot to think about - mainly about our relationship. "Dean?"

"I'm still angry at you Castiel." I grunt and he starts walking backwards, in front of me.


"Because!" I say flinging my arms up in the air and stopping.

"Be-cause...." He drags out the word in a frustrating way and I shove past him.

"You're an arse, that's why!"

"Is this because I won't let you fuck me?" He calls out and I turn round to him quickly.

"Look, it's not just because of that! There are loads of reasons." I snap at him looking around frantically in case anyone is listening but luckily they're not.

"Well I was gonna invite you round tonight to... You know. But if that's the way you're gonna be then..." He says casually looking at his fingernails. Damn. Now what was I supposed to do. He knew that I would want that and go running back into his arms. No. Not this time.

"Yeah well, not tonight." I say holding my head up high and he looks at me with an eyebrow raised. The parking lot is empty now so he strolls over to me coolly and moves his head close to my face so our lips are almost touching. I can feel his hot, sweet breath and it takes everything for me not to kiss him.

"What a shame." Is all he says before walking away from me. I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding and turn to follow him into school.


Cas (POV)

"I don't know what he is so angry about." I say moodily to my little brother as we are walking home from school.

"You two argue so much, it's getting frustrating." Gabriel groans and I shrug. "Apparently Sam talked to him yesterday.. About you"

"Oh really? What were they saying?" I ask grinning

"How you two should break up." He says bluntly and the smile slips from my face. I stop walking and so does Gabriel looking at me confused.


"What? It's not like you care Cas, you're in relationships all the time and they always end. How is this one different? You, him, Sam and I know that you guys aren't made for each other..."

"Shut up!" I shout and he flinches away from me.

"B-but I d-don't understand. I thought he was just another fling to you." He stutters tears springing to his eyes. I grab his shirt and push him against some railings that are blocking off a park.

"What did you tell Sammy to tell Dean?!" I ask frantically.

"I didn't tell him to say anything. All I told him was that you always play people around and are never in a serious relationship.."

"Oh no. Oh no this can't be happening." I say taking my hands off my brother and clutching my hair. "No no no." I take off running in the opposite direction to deans house, hoping that I'm not too late to fix things ignoring the shouts from my little brother.

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