Chapter 25 - The End

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Gabriel (POV)

Dean had finally got up and left to go and speak to Cas leaving me and Sammy alone in the kitchen together. I looked up and smiled at Sam but he just grimaced and rolled his eyes.

"I thought we were okay now!" I accused

"No, we most definitely are not! You really think I forgive you just like that? I only said that because I didn't want those two to split up over us two fighting. I am fuming at you Gabriel, how could you do that to me?" His voice went from angry to hurt and it felt like I was being stabbed in the chest.

"Sam, I'm so sorry okay? I- I didn't know you were being serious when we started dating, I thought you were messing with me like you had done before and it was a mistake. I regret that more then anything and everything wrong I have ever done, and I do a lot of bad shit." I say to him and he sighs.

"I-I can't Gabe, I can't be with someone who has cheated on me, we've been going out for nearly two years and you've only just told me. I'm sorry Gabriel, I can't be with you." With that he turns on his heel and walks out of the kitchen. I could physically feel my heart breaking in my chest. I hated myself at this point, how could I do that to him? Tears sprang up to my eyes and a lump formed in my throat. I decided to go outside and see what Cas and Dean was up too, Maybe they were still arguing. I walked out and my heart almost broke, in the lake I saw two figures who were obviously Dean an Castiel, splashing each other with water and laughing loudly. The two were getting further and further out into the lake so I could barely make them out but their laughs carried out towards me making me regret doing that to Sam even more. Dean was swimming away from Castiel when it happened, laughing loudly. I looked out onto the water and saw that Castiel had gone under, Dean still swimming away from the spot where I saw him last. I walked up to the water cautiously and tried to make out a figure popping up out of the water but I saw none.

"Gabriel! Run! He's going to splash you!" Dean shouted to me, getting towards the shallow end and finally being able to run towards me, laughing his head off but I was to preoccupied looking out into the water.

"Cas!" I shouted with concern but there was no answer. Dean looked at me then out into the water where he last saw Castiel.

"Cas?!" Dean repeated me, his eyes going wide in fear. Both me and Dean looked at each other at the same time and began running into the water. I didn't have time to take any of my clothes off but I didn't care all that much.

Please let him be okay.

I ran and dived into the water, the deeper it got. My heart was beating fast but I kept kicking- trying to feel around in the water for Castiel. I have never been that good at swimming and when I tried to go under the water to look for him I came straight back up, coughing and spluttering.

"Cas!" I cried. Dean dived under, he didn't come up for about a minute and when he finally did, there was no sign of Castiel anywhere.

"No! Please no!"

Please let him be okay. Please let this be a joke.

"Castiel!" Dean dived back down again and this time he was under for a full two minutes before he came spluttering back up again with an, I hoped, unconscious Castiel on his back. We swam ashore, both with one of Castiel's arms draped across our shoulders. When we finally reached ashore Dean began CPR on Castiel and I ran inside the house, passing Sam as I went.

"Gabriel? Why are you all wet?" He asked dubiously and I looked at him frantically.

"A phone! I need a phone!" My voice didn't sound like mine, it was shaky and full of worry and sadness. Sam quickly got out his phone and handed it to me. I called the emergency number and got connected immediately.

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