Chapter 6 - not made for each other

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Dean (POV)

"Sammy I can explain..." I say again and he looks at me expectantly.

"We'll explain then!" He grunts

"Urm... Well you see- me and Cas... Okay I can't explain." I stutter out and sigh while Sam rolls his eyes.

"We're dating Sam." Cas explains to my little brother grabbing hold of my hand tightly.

"Yeah I figured." Sam chuckled before walking back out of the living room. Gabriel looked at Cas and frowned.

"I didn't know you were gay.." He said to his older brother and Cas just shrugged.

"Me neither." Cas replied and his little brother grinned at him. "Guess it runs in the family." Gabriel turns a bright shade of red and coughs awkwardly.

"Dude shut up his older brother is right there." He mutters

"Mate don't worry about it, if you make him happy then I'm happy." I say smiling gently at the younger boy.

"He doesn't like me in that way." He says sadly looking down at his feet. I walk over to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"You sure about that? Because he has told me something completely different." I whisper in his ear and his head shoots up.

"Are you being serious?!" He shouts and I just nod. He then runs into the kitchen leaving me and Cas alone once again.

"See, it's not that bad! Telling people." Cas smirks at me and I send him a glare.

"He's my little brother, he has to accept me."

"Your friends will accept you Dean. Our school isn't that homophobic. The most homophobic person in our year was you for gods sake!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Ergh shut up Castiel! How many times do I have to tell you I am not ready to tell anyone yet. We had to tell Sam because he caught us at it!" I groaned gritting my teeth in frustration.

"Oh so the only way that your friends will find out is if they catch us at it and I have to explain to them just like I did this time round?!" Cas scoffs turning his back on me.

"Yeah! Maybe! I don't know!" I say angrily. Wow Dean, great comeback.

"Oh fab, then in school one day I'm just going to push you up against the lockers and start snogging you in front of all your friends. Then I can explain to them that we are dating and you don't have to do FUCK ALL!" He screams at me and I kick the sofa.

"You wouldn't dare!" I snarl walking over to him and getting in his face.

"Try me." He stands up straighter so he's the same height as me and we stand there glaring at each other for what seems like 10 minutes before he turns around and stomps out the room. I grab one of the living room pillows and start screaming into it when Sam and Gabriel come back in the room.

"Um Dean, you okay?" Sammy asks and I take the pillow away from my face.

"Yeah man, I'm cool. When is food gonna be ready?"

"In a couple of minutes. Did you two just have an argument? Was it our fault? I'm really sorry if it was..." Gabriel worries frantically and I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry golden boy, it wasn't your fault. We argue all the time." I didn't know then how right I actually was. From that moment on, me and Castiel did actually argue all the time.

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