Chapter 19 - it's my imagination

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Cas (POV)

It is NOT my imagination! I exclaim to myself while twisting my lip piercing angrily, sitting on the chair besides Deans hospital bed. I am NOT imagining him moving. He had moved three more times since the finger twitch. Once was his eye lashes fluttering but the doctors said that they do that naturally. Ergh what do the know. Another time was a foot twitch, now I didn't just see this one, I felt it as well because I was sat on the bed at the time and his foot literally nudged me! The last time I wasn't there, but Sammy said he saw him open his mouth. He had accidentally knocked his oxygen mask off and when he was going to put it back on his lips opened slightly as if to get some air.

"Cas. You in?" Gabriel asked knocking on my head slightly. I hadn't even realised that the two rascals had come in but here they were stood right in front of me.

"Hmm? Oh yeah." I say rubbing my eyes tiredly. "How did your exams go?" I ask and they both look at me like I'm crazy

"Our exams were like 4 months ago Cas.." Gabriel said slowly looking worried. Oh shit.

"Eh? Erm I mean I knew that but how did they go?" I ask. Nice save Cas, very subtle.

"We told you! I got B pluses in most of mine and of course Sam got all A's" Gabriel smiled proudly at his boyfriend, reaching up to rub his head.

"You are such a midget!" I laugh at Gabriel who feigns a look of shock. He had to literally go up on his tip toes to kiss Sam and if couldn't help but laugh.

"How dare you! I happen to be of normal or even large sizes in MOST areas." He says winking then nudging Sam. Sam just coughed awkwardly and blushed while me and Gabriel sat their laughing at him.

"What's so funny?" OH MY GOD. No way. We all stop laughing and turn slowly around to Dean who is had pulled his oxygen mask off and was sat in the bed tiredly looking at us.

"Dean." I whisper out, tears puddling up in my eyes.

"Dean?" Sam asks taking a step towards his brother with his face etched in shock.

"DEANO!!!!!!!!!" Gabriel shrieks and starts laughing loudly running around while me and Sam are still just stood their staring at him.

"Oh my god." I whisper. "OH MY GOD!" I run out of the hospital shouting down the corridor;

"He's woken up! He's woken up! Someone go to room 221 DEAN WINCHESTER HAS WOKEN UP!" A bunch of doctors came running down the hallway towards room 221 and into the room. They stood for a moment looking at the silent room. I smile and skip in only to find that Dean was not awake and Sam and Gabriel were no where to be seen.

"I-I don't understand." I say my voice shaking. "He was awake."

"Son, I'm really sorry but we think you may be having a mental blockage or a break down. We will bring down our best psychiatrist for you if you like but please, don't come back here for a week or so. All you have done is cause disruptions. I'm sorry." With that all three doctors walked out of the room leaving me alone. I walked over to Deans bed and looked down at him.

"But, you woke up." I croak out to him. "You asked what was so funny." And then I cried. I cried like I had never done before. I cried like a little baby that doesn't want to be woken up. I cried and cried until I had to leave the hospital and when I got home I cried some more.


A week had sped by and I was finally aloud back into the hospital. They had called a psychiatrist to come check on me but she only said that I was grief stricken and maybe needed a time out for visiting the hospital. I told her to fuck off. So here I am, back at the beginning again, hiding Deans hand and singing Kansas, Carry on my wayward son.

"carry on my wayward son."

I lay on the bed next to him. Stroking his hair slightly. He looked older.

"There'll be peace when you are done."

I hugged him and kissed his cheek lightly. I took of the oxygen mask and kissed his mouth.

"Lay your weary head to rest."

I tear up and put my head in his shoulder. I wanted to finish the verse but I couldn't, I couldn't get it out.

"Don't you cry no more." I looked up quickly to see Dean smiling sadly. He puts a shaky and weak hand up to my face and wipes away a tear. "Don't cry."

"You're not real." I whisper to him. "They said I'm grief stricken." He hushes me and lays me down next to him again. I know it's not real but I like to pretend that it his. I sigh and listen to his heart beating, feel the moves of his chest going up and down while he breaths and my arm tingles as he strokes my arm. Wait, strokes my arm? I shoot up and look at him.

"Dean?" I say and he looks at me.

"Cas?" He croaks out. "Why do you look so different? And tall?" He asks me.

"You're awake? Is it real? Are you really awake?"

"Of course I'm awake, why wouldn't I be. Dad only knocked me down." He smiles weakly and tries to sit up but winces in pain.

"Dean, oh my god." I run out of the room once again and grab a doctor. "Please, you have to come in!" I plead but he just shakes his head.

"I've heard about you, the boy who cries wolf. Sorry kid but I'm a busy man." He says before walking off. I try two other doctors but none of them listened to me so I walk back in the room and Dean had managed to finally sit up. I walk carefully over to him and gulp.

"Hello Dean." I choke and he looks back up at me.

"Can you get me another pillow? My back is killing. I feel like I haven't moved in over a year." He jokes and I shake my head before grabbing him a pillow.

"You haven't moved in over a year." I mumble out handing him the pillow which he struggles to get behind him.

"What?" He says looking at me in shock.

"You've been in a coma for over a year baby." I say tears leaking out of my eyes. "You missed your birthday and Christmas and Sam passing all his exams and graduation."

"No. You're lying." He whispers and looks down.

"Why would I lie?" I mumble and sit on his bed. "I've missed you so much. I've replayed you waking up in my head over and over again and now that it has happened it doesn't seem real. No one will believe me, so how do I know that it's true."

"Cas," Dean says and I look at him. "I'm right here, I'm here." He pulls me down to him and kisses me softly. We are both crying, happiness, sadness, overwhelming emotions tearing up in our eyes and pouring out of our souls. I lean over and rip the wires out of Dean's arms and he looks at me shocked.

"That will get their attention." I smirk. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"You know they could be the only thing that's keeping me alive."

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit." Say frantically trying to put the wires back in when a doctor comes running in.

"Oh my god." Says the doctor looking at Dean, then at me then back to Dean. "Oh my god." He then runs out the room to collect more doctors and me and Dean look at each other before bursting in to a fit of laughter.

The doctors apologise to me over and over again for their mistakes and I revel in their apologies because let's face it, I was right! I was right and they were wrong! Ha! If Michael were here he would probably hit me for being a self obnoxious dick but I don't care, I was right!


I waited in the waiting room while the doctors examined Dean. My hand was trembling as I got out my phone to call Sam.

"Cas? I'm in school! What is it?" He whispered down the phone.

"Sam, get Gabriel, get in the car and come to the hospital." I say smiling.

"Dean?!" He exclaims almost dropping the phone.


A/N : teased you guys a bit at the beginning there but I save it right? Your not going to kill me? Please? Hehehe

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