Chapter 12 - the drawing

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Dean (POV)

It had been a month since I last spoke to Cas, but I never gave up on being near him. I was currently sat next to him in English class and he had his head in the desk almost falling to sleep. I really wanted to just reach out and stroke his fluffy black hair but resisted the temptation with regret. I missed him. I missed how we used to just sit in our bedrooms and just talk. I miss play fighting with him, hell, I even miss actually fighting with him because even then I still knew that he was mine and I was his.

I looked back over at him and realised that he wasn't actually falling to sleep at all, but drawing. I didn't know he could draw. I looked over his shoulder trying to make out what he was drawing but all I saw was a pair of vivid green eyes before he realised I was looking and quickly covered the picture. I put my arms up in defeat without opening my mouth to say anything and looked back to the front.

"What? No smart arse comment?" He said to me and I looked at him confused shaking my head slightly. "I am not thinking about you I just think your fit and I like the colour of your eyes."

"What?" I blurted out before I could stop myself an he looks at me suspiciously before finally realising that I really have no clue what he's talking about.

"Nothing." He snaps and turns to face the front. I shrug my shoulders and turn also, inwardly scolding myself for talking. Just then a hand glided over my desk with a drawing underneath it, I looked sideways and class and his deep blue eyes were boring into mine. I picked the drawing from the table and almost cried on the spot. It was of me! I was smiling and oh god it looked so realistic, apart from the eyes which were vivid green beneath my scrunched up eyelids because of my smile. I held it up to show Cas and pulled the exactly same face and he nodded smirking.

"Yeah I'm pretty amazing." He snickered and I nod completely agreeing with him. I hand the picture back over to Cas but he just shakes his head. "Nah man you keep it." I keep pushing it towards him.

"Deaf as well as mute now? I said you keep it." He says harshly and I roll my eyes.

"No." I say quietly. "Why would I want a picture of myself when I can just look in the mirror." He chuckles a bit but collects himself and huffs angrily.

"Besides," I carry on and lean forward so my mouth is right next to his ear so he starts to shiver slightly. "If you want to give me a drawing, do one of yourself and then I would definitely keep it." I pull back and smirk before turning around again and facing the front.

"Whatever." I hear him say and my smile falters and heart drops. I wasn't getting anywhere with this guy.


"Hey Charlie!" I call to the redhead from the doors of the cafe. She turns and runs up to me, hugging me tightly.

"Hey Deano, I get off shift now so I'll be with you in a moment." She says before running off to the back of the counter to say something to her boss. I grin and sit down in one of the booths tapping my fingers in the counter impatiently waiting for Charlie to come bounding back over. "So, anymore news on Destiel?"

"Destiel?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes.

"C'mon Dean! We have been over this, Dean and Castiel equals Destiel."

"Oh right yeah, sorry." I says shaking my head and laughing. "Well I had a conversation with him today."

"That's great!"

"Yeah it was but it was a bit cold, I did manage to make him chuckle though." I grin crookedly looking up at her through my eyelashes.

"That's so cute! What were you talking about?"

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