Chapter 17 - its all my fault

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Cas (POV)

My phone started ringing at four o'clock in the morning. I groaned and picked it up without looking at the caller and grunted down it to let them know I had answered.

"Cas? CAS?" Sam's frantic voice came from the speaker on my phone.

"Sam? What's up? You realise it's like four in the morning right?" I groan rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Cas, something terrible has happened. You need to come to the hospital. Please bring Gabriel, please?" He pleads and I quickly shoot up out of bed.

"Im on my way. What happened?"

"It's Dean Cas, I'll tell you when you get here, just please hurry." He hangs up on me and I quickly get changed then run into Gabriel's room, waking him up.

"Gabe you need to get up." I shake him awake but he pushes me away.

"No." He replies turning around so he's face down on his pillow.

"Sam called me, Gabe, something awful has happened. We need to get to hospital." He shoots up just as quickly as I did and runs to get a jumper and some joggers. We run down the stairs together quietly, being careful not to wake Michael up before putting on our shoes and running out of the house, getting into my car. On the drive to the towns hospital Gabriel kept asking me questions.

"what happened? Why are they in hospital? Are they ok? Is Sam ok? What did he say on the phone? Has he told you anything?"

"Shut up Gabriel! I know just as much as you! All I know is that they're in hospital. I don't know why, I don't know how, I don't know when! Ok?" I shouted at him. I didn't mean to, I could tell he was upset about the whole situation and I shouldn't have shouted at him like that but it was annoying to have him ask the questions that I was already asking in my head. Gabriel went quiet and looked down at his hands.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles and I sigh.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you. I know you're worried but Sammy sounded fine on the phone." I said to him, my voice dripping with apology and worry. Gabriel just nodded then looked out if he window to watch the scenes whizz by as I stepped on the gas and hurried towards the hospital. When we finally got there and parked up we both ran trough the two sliding front doors and towards the reception desk.

"Dean Winchester?" I asked hurried at the same time Gabriel asked for Sam. The receptionist just looked at us confused when Sam rounded the corner as ran up to us. Gabriel quickly jumped him and wrapped his arms around his neck, whispering in his ear. I stood still looking at them both and when they pulled apart Sam looked at me sadly.

"Dean?" I croaked out and he shook his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Where is he?"

"Second floor, ICU. Room 221." He says before turning back to Gabriel. I run. I run like I have never ran before. I don't have the patience to wait for an elevator so instead take the stairs. I run past all the doctors and nurses into the ICU ward where doctors are trying to stop me but I don't listen. I run to room 221 and am about to open the door when security pulls me back.

"Get off me! GET OFF ME!" I scream struggling to get out of their grip but I manage to give them the slip and open the door. What I see is something that horrifies me, Dean in lying in one of the beds, attached to a bunch of wires and his eyes were shut firmly. I run to his bedside and sit on my knees beside my bed with my head on his bed near his hands. Security had come in after me but stopped in the doorway.

"Dean, please wake up." I cry shaking him gently but he didn't move. He had glass cuts across his face and a black eye. His bust lip from the day before had been reopened and was now a lot worse. "what happened to you?"

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