Chapter 10 -back to where we started

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Dean (POV)

"Detention! After school Mr Winchester! How dare you use that cheek with me!" I grinned at the teacher and scoffed sitting back in my chair and putting my arms behind me head.

"Whatever Miss."

"It's sir!" The man screeched at me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever you say sir." I laugh making the class laugh along with me. The teacher grunts and grumbles and I just sit there waiting for class and school to end. I watched the clock tick by slowly waiting for my queue to stand up and get out of there. The seconds went by agonisingly slow and it took everything I had not to just run out of class from there, but I had to wait for Cas to get into the library first before I could go in- I had to corner him and if I got there first and he saw me he could just turn around and leave.

"You know... Castiel will be in detention tonight." Kevin stated. I looked at him and he winked at me, I only smiled sadly back before looking back at the clock.

"Trouble in paradise?" He asks sincerely and I look at him again.

"He thinks I've cheated on him with Lisa." I say and he looks at me wide eyed with shock

"I knew it!" He shouted suddenly and the whole class looked at him. "Look away people, having a private conversation here!" He said waving off the class and then turning back to me.

"Knew what?"

"That you were gay! That's cool man, and I hope you and Cas can sort it out. Me and the lads would be fine with it you know, if you just told us."

"Thanks Kevin, but I'd prefer if you kept it a secret for now." I whisper back and he nods at me and smiles. I didn't see the point in keeping it from him anymore, he already knew somehow so I had decided to just tell him and get it over with for goodness sake.

"No problemo Deano." He says before facing the front again. I sigh deeply and smile, it felt good to just get something off my chest for once. I should have trusted Kevin the first time I started dating Cas and he could have helped me through all the arguments, he was good with things like that. I shrugged at the lost opportunity and finally the bell to end lesson and school rang loudly through the classroom. Everyone got up all and once but I stayed sitting down for a couple more minutes to put my books away, knowing that Cas wouldn't be in the library yet.

I walked along the halls and heard some commotion near the library. I stopped before rounding the corner and heard it was Lisa.

"What do you mean you have detention?! We were gonna I shopping!" I heard her cry

"Wow calm down crazy. It's just detention and to be honest I didn't really wanna go shopping in the first place." I heard Castiel reply glumly. I could even almost hear his eyes roll sarcastically so I smiled.

"But you need a new outfit!"

"I like my clothes." He replied bluntly

"They're awful."

"Well I like them so you can fuck off•

"Don't you dare tell me to fuck off!" Lisa screamed at him

"Oops, I just did. I gotta go, I don't wanna be late. Bye babe." He says sarcastically before I hear the library doors open and close. Lisa comes stomping round the corner and looks at me. I lean back on the wall and say;

"Trouble in paradise already?" Copying Kevin's earlier words. She just grunts and storms off down the hall in her high heels. I snort and turn the corner and stand in front of the library doors. I breathe in and out to calm myself down and push the doors open when I find my courage. I walk into the big room and smile at its familiarity and the memory of when I first started talking to the love of my life. I look to the tables and there he is sat with his head on the desk not even bothering to look up at who just walked in. I carefully walked over to him and sat in the space next to him.

"Jesus, you know they're a million more tables you can sit at, why sit next to me you freak." I hear Cas mumble without looking up and I smile sadly.

"Because I would prefer to sit next to you." I say quietly and he looks up quickly. I look into his big blue eyes sadly and he just looks back at me without an expression on his face. After about a minute of him just staring at me I say;

"Bet you wish you'd gone shopping now eh?" I don't smile or grin but it was meant to be a joke. He just nodded and looked stiffly to the front of the room looking at nothing in particular. "You didn't give me the chance to explain." I say in an attempt to cure our relationship.

"Why should I?"

"Because you seriously got the wrong idea. She asked me to come upstairs with her to talk about something and when we went into her room she started kissing me. I was in the middle of pushing her off when you walked in. I didn't kiss back and it was really unfortunate timing Cas." I say breathing out, glad I got it off my chest. He looks at me and shrugs.

"It doesn't matter now." My heart drops at his words. This can't be good.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it doesn't matter! It's over Dean. We are over. How do you expect me to be with you when you are still unable to tell any of your friends about us like you are ashamed of me." He says angrily, looking anywhere but to me. I had a different problem I not being able to take my eyes off him.

"But I-"

"But you what? You think you could just get detention and explain to me what happened then everything would be ok? Dean, we are not made for each other, you and I? Okay? We just- we argue all the time and never apologise for it. We are too different but at the same time we are so alike. We clash Dean and that is never good for any relationship. Look I agree the sex was absolutely amazing, the way you twisted and shoved- never mind but the point is I have never felt so good in my entire life but we just wouldn't work out okay?" He rants without looking at me once.

"okay." I choke out and he looks at me finally. I have tears in my eyes and I smile sadly at him. "If that is what you want I will leave right now. But that does not mean im going to give up trying Castiel, I will never give up fighting for you because i am so in love with you and maybe one day you will see that the arguments and the petty mocking's won't matter because none of that matters when two people are in love with each other. And you can't lie because i know you are in love with me as well so I will go now but don't expect me not to come back." With that I stand up, turn on my heel and walk out of the library without looking back.

Everyday since then I have been getting a detention to join Cas and just sitting in there with him. We haven't spoken but I'm just proving that I'm not giving up on being close to him in any way. To piss him off a little me and Kevin changed all the seating charts in every lesson me and Cas share so that we are sat next to each other. His face of pure frustration made me laugh and he punched me in the face but I suppose I deserved that. I also made Lisa bring him over to our table at lunch to sit with us. At first he completely refused but the thing about Lisa is that you can't refuse her. I feel sorry for her in all this, both me and Cas are sort of using her but I suppose she deserves it because it was technically her fault even though she didn't know I was dating Cas. I've also gotten some help of Charlie to bring us together during PE an other assignments and especially house parties. I don't know why she's helping me since Cas is her best friend but she said something about an OTP? And Destiel? Whatever that means...

Note to Cas: like I said, I won't give up on us. (even if the skies get rough) no no no serenading. Shush Dean.

A/N I love writing this chapter, was so cute :') but no Dean and Cas are still not together- sorry guys! I think the story is nearly finished though but if you guys have any more ideas that I can put into it to make it a bit longer than feel free to message me then :) (don't comment, other people may steal your ideas) any who, hope you enjoyed xoxoxo

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