Chapter 21 - out of hospital

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A/N; for those of you who don't know my new story is up. It is called (Feathers (destiel highschool au) and if you have wing!kink you'll love it!

Dean (POV)

A year and a half. I couldn't believe it. It had been a year and a half. I was currently sat in my hospital bed because the doctors said I had to stay in for a couple of extra days so they could keep checking up on me and so they could run a few tests to see if all my vital organs, including my brain was working properly. I couldn't sleep, well of course I couldn't! I had just been sleeping for a yeAR AND A HALF! I clenched my hands and shook my head. My heart felt heavy in my chest and tears sprung to my eyes at the thought of how much I had missed.

Cas, Sam and Gabriel hadn't wanted to leave me alone but the doctors made them leave. I was all alone in the hospital and i felt so crappy. I remember how much Sam had grown, how tall he was now. I remember seeing how much Cas had changed and wondered if he had ever given up on me. If he had a boyfriend or girlfriend. I hadn't gotten the chance to speak to him properly but I needed to know. I needed to know everything because I didn't want to be left out. I didn't want to feel secluded when everyone was talking about what's happened in this last year. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, physically I was wide awake but I felt completely emotionally drained. I got out my phone which had been left on my bedside cabinet by Sam. He had told me to text them if I needed anything. Well I needed something right now, I needed Cas.

Dean: Cas? Is this still your number? X

Cas: Dean! Are you okay? Do you need anything? What happened? Are you hungry? Are you ill? Call a doctor!

Cas: I'm coming up there now! X

Dean: no no no! I'm fine Cas, I was just texting to see if you wanted to talk. I'm bored and I can't sleep x

Cas: oh! Oh... Right. Okay sure what about? X

Dean: I don't know x

Cas: I've missed you so much x

Dean: I wish I could say the same, I didn't even know how long it had been, it seems like only yesterday x

Cas: you haven't missed anything. I know you are worrying about missing a year of your life but it wasn't a great year. Especially without you x

Dean: I'm sorry x

Cas: it's not your fault.

Dean: I know but I'm still sorry!

Cas: stop apologising.

Dean: fine.

A year and a half later and we were still arguing. Maybe I was being stupid, why should I apologise? He was right, but I just felt so bad for putting everyone through that pain. Through the pain of not knowing if I was going to live or die for a whole year and a half. Through the pain of always having to come by and see me when they should have been getting on with their own lives.

Dean: do you have a boyfriend?

I had to ask it. It was embarrassing but I just had to know.

Cas: yes.

Dean: oh.

Ouch, that hurt. I could feel my heart breaking right there and then. Why?! Why did he have a boyfriend? Why shouldn't he have a boyfriend Dean, stop being so selfish!

Dean: What's his name?

Cas: Dean Winchester x

I smile, my heart almost bursts out of my chest at the happiness. I was still with him, oh thank god.

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