Chapter 13 - out of the closet and in to the real world

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Dean (POV)

Warning: mention of self harm

Right okay then, so the only way I can get back with Cas is by proving that I am not ashamed of him in any way, by coming out of the closet. I was debating how to do this when Gabriel and Sammy came bounding in to my room sword fighting with lollipop sticks.

"What the hell are you two doing?" I say rolling my eyes at their childishness.

"Sword fighting!" Sam shouted not taking his eyes off his opponent.

"Yes I can see that but why? And why with lolly sticks?"

"Because we don't have real swords." Gabriel laughed jabbing Sam with the stick and Sam fell on to my bed pretending to be wounded. "Yes! I win!"

"Guys can I ask you a question?" I say to my brother and his best friend.

"Depends what it is." Sam says cheekily sitting up and Gabriel laughs.

"That's not funny Gabriel, you've changed him!" I accuse laughing at them both.

"What did you want to ask then oh fat one?" Gabriel asked bowing. Oh I was gonna get him back for that, I ignored the question I was going ask them and asked a different one instead.

"When are you two gonna get together?" I asked smirking and they both blushed redder then one of Gabriel's suckers. "Haha!"

"That's not funny Dean!" Sam protested while I was till laughing at their faces.

"Oh yes it is! But seriously though..." I grin looking at them both, Gabriel avoided mine and Sam's eyes altogether and Sam have me the biggest bitch face in the world.

"We're friends Dean, nothing more." Sam said quietly and I looked at Gabriel who looked like an abused puppy at the total rejection. I felt a bit bad at this point and spoke to them seriously.

"You both like each other. I know you do Sam because you told me and I know Gabe does because Cas told me when we were togeth-" I chocked and looked down at my hands. "Together."

"Wait what?" Gabriel asked looking from me to Sam then back to me. I looked at Sam who had his head in his hands of embarrassment and grinned.

"Shouldn't bottle things up Sammy, they're gonna come out at some point."

"Oh just like you're gonna come out of the closet at some point." Sam snapped and I looked at him shocked.

"Yes I am actually, that was the question I was actually gonna ask you guys."

"Wait what?!" Gabriel repeated still in shock but we ignored him.

"what do you mean Dean?" Sam asked tilting his head slighting in confusion.

"The question was, what's the best way to come out to the school?" I asked him blushing slightly and avoiding his gaze.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Gabriel shouted stomping his small feet. We looked at him and he was still staring at us in shock. "You like me?"

"Erm, I-I- erm." Sam stuttered coughing,embarrassed. I looked between the two love birds and smiled. Ah young love.

"You like me!" Gabriel grinned and started laughing excitedly. "Oh thank god!" He ran over to Sam and kissed him square on the lips. This guy was incredible, it's like he wasn't embarrassed of doing anything at all. It took a minute for Sam to kiss back finally but when he did I did a small cheer for them both. It kind of carried on for longer then I expected and I coughed to get their attention but they didn't break apart.

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