chapter 16

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"let's go on a ride!" steve yelled as everyone got in the car. "where we heading?" pony said and tripped over something in the back seat. "haha! you ok there pony?" i said going over pony then sitting with johnny.

"yeah, totally." he said sarcastically as two bit sat next him. "we just going to cruise around the place and get in some trouble." soda said winking and began to laugh.

"let's go!" two bit yelled as he took out his beer. fuck no, memories brought back to me. "i don't think that's a good idea two bit..." i said. two bit looked at me then replied, "i ain't driving huh?"

i looked at him for a while then faced forward. "ok then." the engine started and we took off. we then noticed we were in the "soc's area." i looked at the houses, they were real nice. "why are we hear?" johnny looked at steve then soda.

"here." steve said giving him a baseball bat. "hell yeah!" two bit laughed. johnny got out of his sit and put half his body out the window. "there's a mail box right there! hit it!" pony yelled.

he took the mailbox right off! we all laughed and congratulated johnny. then it was two bits turn. he swung the bat and the mailbox fell. soda got a turn and then ponyboy.

"you're turn rubi." pony said giving me the bat. i put half my body outside and saw the mailbox, i quickly closed my eyes then opened them. i didn't see no mailbox but a person on the ground. "holy fuck!" i yelled and quickly sat down.

everyone was laughing then i began to laugh. then out of nowhere steve was out the window trying to hit a mailbox. "wait who's driving?" two bit asked. we all turned then looked at steve.

"STEVE!" we all yelled, soda tried stirring the car but he couldn't. then we heard sirens, "FUCK IT'S THE POLICE!" pony yelled. johnny, two bit and i quickly turned around to see and pony was right.

"steve quit it!" i yelled. steve sat down and noticed the police, "two bit throw something at em!" i looked at two bit, but my my head turned when the car swerved. "WHAT THE HECK!" pony, johnny, and i yelled.

the police was still after us. "soda? when are we going home?" i asked loudly. "really! you're thinking bout that now!" pony yelled at me. i looked at pony then at johnny, johnny looked like he was having a great time.

then i turned to pony, smiled, and said, "yeah, i am. let's have fun though!" pony smiled, and whispered something to soda. "hell yeah!" soda yelled and told steve. steve turned to me, "you really wanna do that?" i looked at everyone, i was so confused. "ok let's do it!" steve said hitting the gas.

"wait what!" i yelled. the car was going to fast, to be honest i never had this much fun after dally's death. "you ok sweets?" johnny asked. i then noticed i was crying. "shit. yeah i am." i said quickly wiping my tears.

we then heard something pop. "no, no, no!" steve yelled and punch the stirring wheel. "the police!" two bit yelled. "everyone out of the car! now!" the police yelled.

we all got out with our hands in the air. the police took out the cigarettes, beer bottles and other shit that steve has. the police then found weed. "you have weed with you!" pony softly yelled. the police turned to all of us.

"you're under arrest, for having weed-" "that's a bad thing?" i asked. i looked around and realized i thought out loud. "yes it is miss. and you're also under arrest for hitting a man with a bat in the face, and hitting the mailbox off."

we all looked at each other. poor two bit drunk, steve rolling his eyes, soda trying to convince the police somehow, pony sitting on the ground with johnny. minutes passed and we were in the back seats of the police car.

we were all in a jail cell for bout and hour or so. "all of you, get out." the police said opening the jail cell. but before i got out i saw the wall and someone's name was on it. "dally"

i touched it and went outside the jail cell. i turned and saw darry. shit, i'm the only girl in this gang and mostly some of the reason they will be killed by him was because of me.

"never do that again! rubi and all of you could've got hurt! even worse killed! we don't want more deaths." darry told all of us, but i felt that all eyes were on me when darry said 'we don't want more deaths'

we all got home and relaxed. i went to the restroom to wash my face, when out of nowhere johnny swung the door open and it almost hit my head.

"oh shit! sorry sweets!" johnny said grabbing my hand. damn already grabbing my hand, what should i do? slap him, grab his hand back, or walk away and smile.

i grabbed johnny's hand and said, "it's ok! i'm fine." johnny laughed and kissed my forehead. i went outside the restroom and headed to the living room when i noticed that my brothers hung a picture of the gang, including dally. right next to it was dally and i. i touched the photo and smiled.

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