Chapter 2: Good... but not good enough

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~Your Pov~

After dealing some cards with the Devil, you sat back in your seat, and nearly choked on your air. Your hand was looking pretty bad. You only had one pair, and you were sure the Devil would have a better hand.  You sneaked a peek, and you saw the reflection of the cards in his eyes. He had three of a kind. You cursed under your breath. You were so screwed. You could only hope that the next cards you drew would be helpful. "I'll take two cards." the Devil said, nearly making you jump. "I'll take three." you said. You picked up three cards, and managed to pick up one more pair, but it still wasn't enough to beat three of a kind. 'I'm  fucked. I'm fucked. I'm so fucked right now.' you thought. 'I'm going to have to work here for the rest of my life. I'm such a fucking idiot!' 
"I've got three of a kind." the Devil said, showing his cards. You jumped at the sound of his voice. You looked over his cards, and you immediately knew it was over for you. There was no escape for you in this situation. You sighed deeply, but then folded your cards over. "I fold." you said, making the Devil's eyes widen. You let your head fall forwards into your arms.

You sneaked a peek upwards, and saw the Devil smiling sinisterly. You felt like either crying, or throwing up. The Devil stood up and boomed with laughter, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut, and slightly shake. You felt sick to your stomach. You wanted to bolt out of there, but you knew that there was no escape. All of the staff had their eyes on you, and if you tried to book it, you would not doubt be stopped. 

"Dice, go get one of my contracts." the Devil commanded to his right-hand-man. King Dice bowed his head in respect, and headed to the Devil's office. You rubbed your eyes, trying not to cry. You regretted making this bet. You felt too lucky, and that's what made you incredibly stupid. You should never have dealt with the Devil.
Dice returned with a contract in one hand, and a feather pen in the other. He handed them to you, and you read over the contract, making sure the Devil wasn't trying to trick you into actually selling your soul. You read over it carefully, and saw that the contract read that you would forever pledge your hard work and labor to the Devil, and do whatever job he commands you to do. You blinked a couple times, took a deep breath, but signed the contract, and shook the Devil's hand.

"Dice, bring her to the back, and take her measurements for her uniform." The Devil said with a grin, giving you a little push towards the manager. You grumbled and brushed yourself off. Averting your gaze from King Dice, so you wouldn't have to see his smug expression. You felt like you were about to bend over and puke. You were full of regret.
"Follow me, darling." King Dice said in his sleazy voice, offering his arm. "I'm perfectly capable of walking." you snapped, stepping away and turning your back to him. "Very well." King Dice said, and he began to lead you to the back of the casino where the Devil's office was located. After entering, you saw Dice reach his hand to grab something on a shelf.
King Dice picked up a tape measure, and had you hold out your arms for him to measure them.
You stood there for what felt like forever, and you just wanted to get this over with. "Hurry up, my arms are getting tired." you growled. Dice just rolled his eyes, and continued measuring your body.

After he finished, he scribbled down the measurements for your uniform. You sat down on a little stool, feeling relieved to let your arms rest beside your waist. "You should have it by tomorrow." he said. "I have a question." you said. He looked up at you, waiting for you to speak. "Will I be able to go home when I'm not working?" You asked. "I can't answer that." he replied, looking back down at his notes. "You'll have to take it up with the big cheese." You knitted your eyebrows together, wondering why the staff called the Devil by that name when he wasn't around. "Do you know where he is?" You asked. "Probably back in Hell, on his throne." Dice said. "He goes there to lament ever since that Cupface and his brother defeated him and burned all of his contracts."
You took a deep breath, thinking deeply. You didn't want to wait here all day for him to come back. You wanted to go home and let your emotions out. You wanted to cry, and punch yourself in the gut for making this stupid decision. "Could I go talk to him?" You asked, feeling a bit anxious. King Dice looked at you like you were speaking a different language. "You want to go to Hell?" He asked. You just realized what you asked, and hunched your shoulders in slight embarrassment. "N-Never mind." you stuttered. "I'll just wait for him to come back to the casino." "I'll let him know you want to speak to him when he returns." You nodded, and sat down as Dice handed off the measurements to another staff member.

You didn't have anything to do until the Devil came back, so you just sat around his office, or chatted with some of the staff who came in.
King Dice would walk in and out, offering if you'd like to see how he works around the casino, and get to know the place. It took a few times of asking, but eventually, out of boredom, you decided to go with Dice.

You walked around the casino, following King Dice like you were a lost dog or something. Needless to say, you were utterly bored.
"When is he gonna come back?" You asked King Dice. He turned around to face you, and said, "Who knows? Sometimes he'll stay down there all day and night." You let your head fall in annoyance. "There is no way I am going to wait all night." you said. "I want to go home and go to sleep." You lied a bit, seeing as you didn't really have a home. You just stayed underneath Grim Matchstick's castle, because he was a nice guy. Also because people would rarely come over there, and you could rest without disturbance.
It would be nice to sleep in a building again, but you did NOT want to sleep in the casino. You didn't trust a single being in this cursed place. They could do possibly anything to you while you were asleep, so you wouldn't sleep a wink in this place, even if your life depended on it.

Dice rolled his eyes and sighed. He walked you over to Mangosteen, and told you to stay by him. "Watch over her." Dice said to the 8-ball. "I'm going to go get the big cheese, since she wants to talk to him." Mangosteen nodded, and floated beside you. You sat down on the floor and sighed, watching Dice as he walked off. "Would you like me and Mr. Wheezy to show you around?" Mangosteen asked you. "Since you're going to work here, we could show you were you'll start off." You shook your head, bluntly. King Dice had already shown you around the place, and you didn't feel like doing it again, or really anything at all. You were already forced to pledge your hard work and labor to the Devil for the rest of your life,  and any command he inflicts on you, you would have to execute it without hesitation. Or he would most likely do unspeakable punishments on you that you hoped to never find out.
After a few minutes, King Dice came back into the casino with the Devil right behind him. Dice was rubbing the back of his head, and the Devil had a rather large scowl on his face. He must have hit Dice for disturbing him.
Dice pointed to you, and the Devil marched right up to you. Mangosteen and Wheezy became a bit too nervous to be next their boss when he was like this, so they fled. The Devil towered over you, and even though your heart was pounding, and your brain was telling you to back off, you held your ground, and showed no fear.
"King Dice had me come all the way up from my throne room to speak to you." the Devil said, taking out his cigar and blowing a puff of smoke into your face. You blinked a couple of times, but quickly held your breath as the smoke passed. "So... what is it you wish to speak about?" He asked. "I want to know if I can go home after the casino closes." you said. "It says nowhere on my contract that I cannot go home after finishing my shift." The Devil growled a bit, but he knew you were right. "You are allowed to go home when you finish your shifts, but you need to be here the next day at eight thirty in the morning, sharp." he said. You nodded slowly, and said, "I will be here early tomorrow to try on my uniform."
And with you final word, you handed the Devil your contract, and proceeded to walk out the casino doors.

~Author's Note~

Woah, what's gotten into you, Devil? You seem more pissed than usual.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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