Chapter 24: Hope's sunrise

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~Your Pov~

After begging the Devil to hurt you instead of his staff and sobbing your eyes out on the casino floor, you managed to slowly calm down. Your breaths started to slow down, and you weren't choking on the tears anymore. You slowly sat up, your body shaking and feeling numb. You looked at the Devil. He looked emotionless. Like he was completely hollow inside. But at the same time, you felt like you could see the tiniest sliver of light. You knew that light was his hope. He had hope that his loved one would return to him, but you knew that the hope was fading, the more days that went by. 
You stood up, taking deep breaths, trying to regain your balance. He stood up with you, rubbing his arm. You swore you could see his chest slightly moving with his heart beat. "I'm sorry for what happened to night." you apologized once again. "I will see myself home now. And... if you really want me to quit, then I won't burden you any longer." You made your way out the doors, slowly walking through the isles. You felt like a zombie. No purpose but to wander, make noise, and frighten people away. 

After what felt like hours of walking, but was probably just ten or so minutes, you reached the old cottage on Inkwell Isle one. You took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. You waited a while, then heard shuffling on the other side. The door opened to reveal Cuphead. "Oh! Hi, (y/n)!" He chirped. "Is the Elder Kettle here?" You asked. "I'm here for my magic lesson." Cuphead nodded and let you in. He walked off to go find the old man, and left you to take a seat on their furniture. 
You sat on the couch, patiently waiting and trying to calm down. You remember the Devil telling you that magic responds to emotions. 'Maybe they also respond to thoughts, since my orb created that mirror to show me how the Devil was doing.' you thought. 
The Elder Kettle came into the living room, his eyes widening when he saw you. "Good heavens, (y/n)." he said, coming up to you and taking your hands in his. "Are you alright? What happened?" You lifted a hand to rub your cheeks. "It's nothing very important." you said. "(Y/n), you know it would be better if you told me." he said. "I know, but I just want to forget about it right now." you said. "You understand your magic can take affect by your emotions and thoughts, correct?" He asked. You nodded, taking deep breaths. "I'm taking deep breaths to calm down." you said. "(Y/n), perhaps it's best if we continue another day." he said. "You're obviously in no condition to cast the summoning spell. If your emotions get the better of you, you could summon something terrible that you could not control." "I'll be fine." you said. "I'm strong. I can do this." You took a deep breath, and summoned your little orb to your hands. "Just be careful." he said. "And remember to focus." You nodded, and closed your eyes. Focusing on a peculiar thought. You tried thinking about the ukulele again, but you still felt those difficult emotions in your mind. You felt Dice's grip on your neck again, and the growl in the Devil's voice. You felt like you were about to crumble right then from all the negative emotions. But you let your body relaxed, and made those thoughts and feeling slip away. You thought of comfort, and help. When you opened your eyes again, you saw a pillow in your hands, and a very worried kettle. 

"Your magic was going a little out of control." he said. "It was expanding, and reaching out to whatever was withing it's touch. What were you thinking about?" You sighed, and hugged the pillow to your chest. "I was thinking about what happened before I came here." you said. "And how did you manage to summon that?" He asked, pointing at the pillow. "I thought of comfort, and reassurance." you said. "I guess hugging a pillow is just my magic's way of saying that I need something to hold close." "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" He asked. "I'm sure." you said. "I just don't think it really matters outside of work, since it doesn't affect anyone out here." "So it has something to do with your work?" He asked. You nodded and said, "That's why it doesn't matter out here, because it doesn't affect anyone out here." "It affects me." he said. "It affects the boys, and all of your friends. If you walk out of that casino upset, or hurt, we worry." "But if I walk out of that casino at all, it means I'm still alive, and there's nothing to worry about." you said. "As long as I'm alive, there's no reason to be worried. I always make it through the toughest of situations." The Elder kettle sighed, but nodded.
"Well, I'm afraid that's all we can do today." he said. "It was very risky what you did, using magic while you were feeling negative emotions. You should go home and rest. I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow, and you'll be able to do more." You nodded, and stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow." you said, waving as you made your way out of the cottage and through Inkwell Isle one to Inkwell Isle two, and the place you called home.
The next morning, you didn't wake up as early as you had the day before. You changed into your work clothes, headed to Inkwell Isle three, and into Inkwell hell to begin your day of work. 

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