Chapter 27: The Wild Card

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~Your Pov~

After leaving giving the Devil that little kiss on the cheek, you left the casino and headed to the first isle. You walked over to the docks, and saw Jacob and Hailey waiting there. Jacob saw you and waved to you, which caused you to wave back and walk up to them. "I'm sorry for what happened back at the casino." you said, giving your brother a hug. "It's not your fault." he said, hugging you back. "You warned me that it wouldn't be a good idea to come, but I didn't heed that advice." You just shrugged and sighed. You didn't want him to take the blame, even if it was his fault. "But I shouldn't have run up and hugged you." you said. "I pretty much made you the center of attention by doing that." "You were just happy that he came and heard you." Hailey said, patting your shoulder. "You were amazing, too. I bet he doesn't regret hearing you sing. Because I sure don't." You lightly chuckled and gave her a hug. "Thanks for coming to visit." you said. "No problem, sis." Jacob said, ruffling your hair. "We always love seeing you." Hailey added. "Maybe next time it will be under better circumstances." you said, earning a chuckled from your step siblings. "Hopefully." Jacob said. 
"Well, I'll see you both another time." you said, hugging the two of them again. They both boarded the ferry to the mainlands, and waved to you from the balcony. You waved back until they started to float away from shore, then proceeded to walk back to the second isle to either practice your magic, or play with Grim.

The day passed by like normal. You played with Grim, and showed him your magic abilities. He was amazed by what you were able to. The two of you even made up a game were he would spew small fireballs at you, and you would catch them in a magic sphere that you summoned. He made sure to be extra careful, so you wouldn't get hurt.
Eventually, the day came to an end and the two of you had to go to sleep. So you bid each other a good night, and dozed off as the sun set.

The next day was as normal as it had been in the past few weeks. You woke up early and changed into your work clothes, then headed to the casino to work for the next eight hours. The staff greeted you like normal, and you went on with your daily checklist of work. Sweeping the floors before the patrons came in, cleaning the ashtrays from the day before, et cetera. It seemed like the day was just going to be a normal work day. 
You were a bit hopeful that maybe the Devil would come out and say something to you about that little kiss you gave him yesterday, but whenever he came out, it was to check on the patrons. He didn't bat a single eye to you, or any of the other staff members. It was like yesterday never happened. He didn't even come up and ask if you wanted to perform again. But you decided not to ask him what was on his mind, seeing as he wasn't looking like he was upset or anything. You just continued on with your work day. 

Eventually, it was time for your break. You went to the staff room and ate your lunch. After that, there wasn't much to do. Your break lasted only fifteen minutes, and there was literally nothing you could do after you finished your lunch. You could go back to work, but the last time you did that, a patron complained, thinking you were given such a short break. It took a few minutes of explaining to the patron that you chose to come back to work earlier than your break ended. You decided not to do that anymore, just so you wouldn't have to deal with that again. 
Instead of heading back to work or just sitting in the break room for ten extra minutes, you just decided to leave the break room, and go play a little music.
Your old guitar was sitting on it's stand out in the casino. You had tried to play it before, but got snapped at by the staff because it "wasn't yours". So you hadn't tried to play it after that. 
Today, you decided that you really just didn't care, so you picked up the guitar and plopped yourself on the floor with it, strumming a little tune.

You sat there for probably four minutes, and then you felt like something was in front of you. You slightly looked up, and saw the Devil's feet. You raised your head all the way to greet his face. You expected him to be mad that you were playing (y/n)'s guitar, but his look was soft, and he didn't seem to show anger in his eyes. Instead, he sat down on the floor beside you. You raised a brow, but just decided to keep strumming, hoping he wouldn't realize you were (y/n) by how you were playing.
"I didn't know you played." he said, getting you to look over at him. "I play sometimes." you said. "Could never afford my own guitar, though." "(Y/n) also couldn't afford one." he said, putting a small smile on your face. "My staff found out that she would borrow one from the shop, and play it for the residents of Inkwell Isle two to put smiles on their faces." "Aw, that sounds sweet." you said, internally chuckling. "Yeah. She was very sweet." he said, leaning back against the wall. "My staff bought that guitar for her, and had her play a love song in front of me to help me realize I love her." You chuckled a little bit at that. "From what I've seen, it looks like they would do that." you said. "Yeah." he replied with a slight chuckle. "It also took her a while to realize she loved me, too. I think it took me saving her life from her brother, twice." "Ah yes." you said. "She told me about those. How evil her mother is, and how scared and sorry her brother was when he was trying to bring her home." 
The Devil sighed and looked over at you as you lightly strummed the guitar. "You know, if you want, you can have that." he said, pointing at the guitar. Your eyes widened at his words. "Are you sure?" You asked. "The staff seemed upset by the fact that I use it when it belongs to (y/n)." "I'm sure (y/n) would want it to be used, instead of just sitting here, gathering dust." he replied with a nod. You smiled and said, "Thanks." He just nodded and began to get up. "Boss, would it be okay if I performed again?" You asked. He looked back at you, then began to scratch his chin in thought. He then shrugged and said, "Sure. You put on a good show last time, and I would like to hear you again." You smiled and thanked him again. 

The Wild Card (Devil x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now