Chapter 6: On with it

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~Your Pov~

You don't know how long you've been asleep, but you eventually woke up, slowly fluttering your eyes open, and moving a bit, nuzzling your head into whatever it was lying on. It was nice and warm, and it made you feel good. You then paused, and realized you were a lot warmer than you normally were in the mornings. For a second, you thought you were at home underneath Grim's castle since you were lying down, then you realized, 'Grass isn't this comfortable, or soft.'

You opened your eyes and saw that you were in the Devil's office, lying on his couch. But that's not what scared you the most. You moved your head slightly, feeling it brush against fur. You looked up to see your head was resting on the Devil's thighs. The Devil seemed to feel you looking at him, because he just then decided to looked down at you to see that you were staring up at him. "Good morning." he said with a toothy grin.

You don't know how loud you screamed, but you were sure everyone on Inkwell Isle three could hear you. You leaped off the Devil's couch and dashed behind his desk, hiding from your boss. "Stay away from me!" You screeched. The Devil sighed and stood up. "S-Stay back!!" You screamed. You saw the Devil's trident beside his desk, so you grabbed it and aimed the three tipped end at him.. "(Y/n), put that down." the Devil said, clearly not wanting to deal with this. "You don't even know how to use it." You scowled very hard at the Devil, aimed his trident right as his chest, and said. "Ad inferni detractos in tecum!" Then the tridents tips glowed red and launched powerful magic towards the Devil, launching him backwards into the wall.

The Devil looked up at you in surprise. "I warned you." you growled. He pulled himself up off the ground, showing that the wall behind him nearly had a hole in it from his impact. The Devil held out his hand for you to give him his trident. You pulled the trident back, refusing to give it up, with no knowledge of what he might do if he takes it back. "I'm not going to hurt you." he said. "But you might hurt yourself if you don't give that to me. The trident responds to emotions, and you're in a distressed from waking up to this. Its power will try to latch on to you and make you do things that you mortals would call 'crazy'."
You took some deep breaths, and you began to feel the power of the trident's magic crawling up your arms. It hurt, and it felt like it was trying to crawl into your brain and command your every action. You weren't built for this type of power, that's why people with high class magic were given these tools. Wands, staffs, tridents. They were only given to people who could wield magic properly.

You took a deep breath, and handed the trident back to the Devil. He held it in his hand, and you could almost see the magic return to his veins. But he was strong enough to control it, so he wouldn't be overcome by it. You backed up, and rubbed your arm, starting to shake in fear of what he might do "You were defending yourself because you weren't expecting to wake up with me right next you." he said, making you shake even more. He sighed, and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Calm down." he said. "I'm not going to hurt you, or punish you for being scared." 
You looked up at your boss, seeing he was baring a soft expression. "Are you okay?" You asked. "I'm fine." he said. "Are you?" You were surprised by the question. "What do you mean?" You asked. "Like I said, the trident's power is very strong, and would try to latch onto you." he said. "Do you feel any sort of pain? Any soreness in your arms?" You hunched your shoulders. "I'm okay." you said. "It did hurt, but it's going away now." "Well, that's a good thing." he said. "Also, how did you know what to say to launch an attack at me?"
You flinched and hunched your shoulders, worried about how to answer. "I'm not going to hurt you." he regarded. "I just want to know."  You shuffled your feet, nervously. But after taking some breaths, you spoke up. "When I was younger, I had a group of friends who were super paranoid about you." you explained. "They then got these books about you on the black market, and they made me join their little meetings to learn how you use your magic, and how to counteract it." The Devil tilted his head. "Why did they make you join all of your meetings?" He asked. "They sound like a cult." "They pretty much were." you replied. "During one meeting, I figured out that they were actually trying to summon you so they could kill you."

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