Chapter 16: Into Embers

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~You're Pov~

You and Jacob had decided to spend the final night together in his room, again. You were lying on his couch that he had in there, and he slept on the bed. He tried to offer you the bed multiple times, but you refused thinking you didn't deserve that kind of comfort. He finally realized that you wouldn't accept it, and decided to just go to sleep. He gave you one of his pillows and a blanket to be more comfortable, and to not have a sore back in the morning.
But after you fell asleep, the thought of comfort slipped away.

You opened your eyes to bright lights, and loud noises. You held a hand over you face to block out the lights as you stood up. After your eyes adjusted to the lights, you opened them and nearly choked on your breath. 
You were in the casino again. You looked down and saw that you were still in your pajamas. You were beyond confused. What was going on?

You saw King Dice at the craps table, and jogged over to him. "Dice?" You asked, receiving no answer. You raised a brow and repeated yourself, but he still didn't answer. You were about to tap his shoulder, but then he turned around to face you. But before you could do anything, he phased right through you. You gasped and clutched your chest. You looked back at Dice, in complete shock. 'They can't see me.' You thought. 'This is a dream. I'm not actually here.' You rubbed your eyes, trying to make the image go away, but when you opened them, you were still in the casino. You were confused, but you didn't know how to wake yourself up

You looked over and saw Dice heading towards the Devil's office, and you quickly sprinted to catch up to him. You knew the Devil couldn't see you, but you wanted to see him.
When Dice opened the door, you carefully slipped in after him. He shut the door behind him, and stood there, looking at the Devil. You looked past him, and saw your boss, looking like he was really struggling. "How are you doing, boss?" Dice asked. The Devil put his head in his hands. "It's so hard to feel anything without her." he said. You placed your hand over your mouth, surprised that he was so affected by you being gone.
"I'm sorry, boss." Dice said, averting his gaze. "I wish there was something I could do." The Devil didn't reply, but just sighed deeply and let his head rest on his desk. "I'll... leave you be for now." Dice said. "Let me know if you need anything." He then turned around, phased through you once more, and walked out of the office. You still shook from him walking right through you like nothing, but you knew that this was just a dream and you weren't actually there. 

You saw the Devil starting to shake, and you could hear his soft sobs. You placed both hands over your mouth, feeling absolutely awful that he was feeling like this.
You walked up to him, standing by his side as he cried. "Why?" He cried. "Why did she have to be taken away from me?! I just wanted to be happy with her! Is that too much to ask?!" He slammed his head on his desk again, sobbing harder than before.

"I'm so sorry." you whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder. He jerked upwards and looked in your direction. His eyes widened, and his breath became faster. You flinched, but then realized the look in his eyes. "Can you hear me?" You asked. He slowly nodded, tears still streaming down his cheeks. "Can you... see me?" You asked, feeling hope in your soul. He nodded, smiling. He jumped out of his seat, attempting to throw his arms around you, but he phased right through you like King Dice did. He gasped when he caught himself before falling over, and looked back at you. "I'm not actually here." you said. "This is a dream." "I'm dreaming?" He asked. "No, I am." you said. "You can't be, because then I wouldn't be seeing you like this." he said. "This must be astral projection, where you project your spiritual self to another plain, and only some people can see you." You smiled and said, "I just came here, and this is what you say." He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you know how much I've missed you?" He asked. "It's only been two days." you replied. "Don't say stuff like that. Not now." he said, the tears coming back. "I'm sorry." you said. He tried to place a hand on your shoulder, but it went right through.

"Why can't I hug you?" He asked. "I guess I'm not that advanced with this projection thing." you replied. He began to wipe his cheeks of the tears. "I just-... I can't believe you're actually here." he said. "And I can't believe you still love me after what I did to you." you said. "I could never stop loving you." he said. "I may be the Devil himself, but you are and angel sent to me from heaven." You smirked and asked, "Didn't you fall from heaven?" He raised his eyebrows, and hunched his shoulders. "Y-Yeah." he replied, a little blush appearing on his face. "Then you are just as much of an angel to me, as I am to you." you said, smiling brightly as blush also dusted your cheeks. He was now covering his face to hide his blush. 

Suddenly, you heard your name being called, and you felt yourself becoming weaker. You could tell the Devil was noticing it too, because his eyes were widening. "You're disappearing!" He said, trying to grab you, but his hands still phasing through you. "No! I can't lose you again!" He said, struggling to try and get a hold of you. "You won't lose me, boss." you said, raising you hand and placing it on his cheek. You knew he could feel the touch, because he leaned into it. "I'll always be here." You arched your feet to stand on your toes, and moved in closer to his teared up face. "I love you." You said, then proceeded to kiss him as you felt yourself fade away.

You opened your eyes to Jacob shaking you. "Jacob?" You said, grabbing his arms to get him to stop. "What are you doing?" You sat up, and saw that his cheeks were stained with tears. "What's wrong?" You asked, worried. "Y-You weren't b-breathing." he choked out. "I-I couldn't hear a h-heart beat, and I c-couldn't feel your p-pulse... so I thought-... I-I thought..." He couldn't finish his sentence. You realized that your astral projection thing must have completely stopped your body from being alive, since your spirit was elsewhere. But you didn't know how to explain it to him, since it was your first time ever doing it.

"Hey, hey. Shh shh shh." you said, hugging your older brother. "It's okay, now. I'm here, alive. Both of us are." "But I thought you were gone." he said, choking on his breath. "But I'm not." you replied. "Everything's going to be okay. I promise." "Please... don't do that ever again." he said. "I won't." you said, not telling him you didn't know how it had happened.

Today, everything we've ever dreamed of will come true. I will make sure of it.

~Author's Note~

Sorry for how short this chapter was. I didn't really have that many ideas

I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!

Stay tuned for the next one!

Cuphead (c) Studio MDHR

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