Chapter 11: On and on

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~Your Pov~

After you confessed to the Devil that you loved him, he was spilling out a lot of questions. You tried to answer as much as you could, but then King Dice came in again, saying they needed to check your bandages again. You nodded, and patted the Devil's shoulder before following Dice out of his office. 
You walked to the back room with Dice, and he had you sit on one of the tables. He carefully checked to see if your stitching didn't come undone, and then he reapplied your bandages. "You seem good." he said. "I just don't understand why your own mother would send your brother and a gang of evil bastards out to get you, and brutally mutilate you before dragging you back." "My brother obviously hurt me so I would have no strength to run away, or fight back." you said. "He knew where to cut on my body so I wouldn't bleed out fast enough." "But why does he and your mother want you back so desperately?" He asked. "Even going far enough to cross the Devil himself to get to you." "The hell if I know." you replied, shrugging. "They never told me. The only thing I know is that I will not let myself be dragged back into that house without a fight." 

"What did your parents do to you to cause you to hate them so much?" He asked. You looked away, sighing. "I don't want to talk about it." you replied. "I understand." he said. "Sorry for asking." "It's okay." you said. "Just don't ask again." He nodded, and helped you off the table, and out the door. "Take it easy today." he said. "Boss won't get mad at you if you decide to rest." You nodded, and carefully made your way out to the main floors of the casino.
You went to the bar and got yourself a drink of water. You leaned against the counter, watching as people poured in through the doors. You weren't paying much attention to the staff around you while you drank your water, so you jumped at the sudden voice of Chips Bettigan. 

"How are you feeling?" Chips asked. You flinched, and whipped your head in his direction. That was a bad idea. You groaned, holding your head. "I was fine, until I did that." you said, rubbing your forehead. "Sorry. Did I startle you?" He asked. "A little bit." you replied. "Mainly because I was just staring into nothing, so I didn't see you coming." He chuckled. "Well, did you tell boss something while your were in his office?" He asked. You raised a brow and asked, "What do you mean?" "Well, he's been staring at you the whole time you've been standing here." he replied. You looked up, and saw the eyes of the Devil himself staring right back at you. 
You thought about telling Chips what you had told your boss since he seemed concerned, but at the same time it was none of his business, and you didn't want word to get out about it.
"I didn't say anything that important that I can remember." you lied. "Maybe he's just concerned about my injuries, or something." "I guess that makes sense." Chips said. "I mean, he really likes you a lot." "I know." you said with a light sigh. "Well, I better get back to work before Dice yells at me." he said. "I'll see you around." you replied, giving him a wave. You then proceeded to grab a drink menu, draped a small towel over your arm, and began to walk out to wait on the patrons. 

"Hello there." you said, approaching a table with a man and a woman. "What may I interest you in, today?" "Hi, yes. We would like some juice on the rocks, and a flaming, zesty se-" "GROWL" The couple was interrupted by a loud growl. You suddenly felt a pain in your stomach, and nearly fell forwards. You looked around, thinking that the Devil was being protective again, but saw that he had gone back into his office, and everyone in the room was staring in your direction with wide eyes. Your heart started to pound when you had realized where the growl had come from. It had come from your stomach.

It had just occurred to you that you had not eaten in five days, and you were beyond starving. You tried to ignore it, and asked the couple to repeat the drink order they wanted. Before they could even speak, your stomach roared again. You felt faint, and your locked your knees to keep yourself standing. "Ma'am? Are you okay?" The man asked. "I-I'm fine." you replied. "J-Just a little tired." "You're becoming super pale." the woman said. "Are you sick?" Your stomach growled again, and it felt like it was trying to eat your liver. "E-Excuse me." you said, trying to walk away. Your stomach growled with every breath you took, and you doubled over, clutching your abdomen as it roared with hunger. Everyone rushed over to you, including the casino's patrons. 

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