Chapter 17: The big day

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~Your Pov~

After the whole astral projection thing, and Jacob freaking out, you and him finally managed to fall back asleep. You knew that so much was going to be happening today, so you both thought it was best to get as much rest as you could. You didn't want to be yawning at the wedding, because this was probably going to be the most serious wedding in history. 

After a few more hours of shut eye, you awoke to the sun rising over your eyes. You opened one eye lightly to see that it was just Jacob turning on the light and slowly pulling your blanket off your face. You playfully scowled, and hit him with your pillow. He just laughed and turned the light off. "You were really asleep." he said. "I almost thought you were doing the thing that you did last night, but then you shifted onto your back." "You are the worst." you teased, and began to hit him with the pillow again. He just laughed and blocked the pillow with his arm. 
You sat up and saw that the sun was already up. "What time is it?" You asked. "10:02 am." he replied. "What time are we supposed to get going?" You asked. "Right now." he said, chuckling. You jumped up off the couch. "Why didn't you wake me earlier?!" You said, glaring at him. "Because we barely got much sleep last night, and I knew you needed it." he said. You just groaned and got up. "We better get ready before your mom throws a fit." you said. "Yeah. I think she put your dress in your room, so you better sprint over there before she catches you." he said. You nodded, slipped out of his room, and dashed across the house to your room.

The dress was laid neatly on the bed. You carefully looked around the room for something to store your current clothes in, and you quickly found a small backpack that looked big enough to put some of your clothes in, and hide under the dress. 
You quickly stripped of your current clothes, which were your pajamas, and grabbed your other clothes from your closet that you had when Jacob caught you, as well as a pair of extra pair of clothes to lounge in. 
Once you filled the backpack, you zipped it up, and began to slip on the dress. You knew you had to wear it to the wedding, because there was no time to change once you got there. 
You managed to somehow zip yourself up, and then placed the veil over your head. Then you remembered that someone was going to have to walk you down the isle. No way in Inkwell hell were you going to let the nightmare do that. You were just going to have to walk yourself down it. 

After getting into the dress and hiding the small backpack under the skirt, you began to walk out of your room and down the stairs to the grand hall. That's where you saw the nightmare talking to Jacob. You announced your presence by clearing your throat, and the nightmare whipped her head around to see you. "Jacob! Don't look!" She shrieked, covering Jacob's eyes with her hands. "It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before she comes down the isle." "He already saw me." you said, but she wouldn't remove her hands from his face. "Jacob, honey, please go outside and take the carriage to the ferry." she instructed. "Me and (y/n) will meet you in the church on the mainland." Jacob tore her hands from his face and grumbled while walking out of the house. The nightmare looked at him in disbelief. "How dare he act so rude on this special day?!" She said, dramatically. 'Probably because you're coming to the wedding.' you thought, rolling your eyes.
After about twenty minutes of the nightmare fussing with you about trying to make the dress look perfect and you swatting her away, the second carriage finally arrived. You speed walked away from her, and got into the carriage. She climbed in after you, and sat in front of you. "Here we go!" She said with excitement. You didn't answer, but looked out the window and watched as everything went by in a blur.

After the carriage and ferry ride, you and the nightmare finally arrived to the mainland. You left her behind as you got off the ferry, and did your best to keep a distance as you walked to the church. You entered, and was immediately escorted to a back room to be looked over. They made sure everything fit, and while they weren't looking, you slipped your backpack out from under your dress, and hid it behind the mirror. They flipped the veil over your head, and handed you a bouquet. 
Suddenly, the nightmare came into the room. "Are you ready, my darling?" She asked, holding out her arm. "I'm not walking with you."  you said, causing her and the other women in the room to gasp. "Why not?" She asked, clearly not wanting to cause a scene. "Because it's tradition for the bride's parent to walk down the isle with her." you said. "You're not my parent." "But I will be today." she said. "I will be your in-law." 'In your dreams.' You thought. "You're not my parent right now." you said. "That means you cannot walk me down the isle." "She has a point." one of the dressers said. "But it's not right for the bride to walk down the isle alone." the nightmare said in protest. "Well, it is her decision, miss." another dresser said. The nightmare clearly wanted to fight, but didn't want to cause a scene in church. "Alright." she said. "I'll be out there in case you change your mind." 'Which will never happen.' you thought. 

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