Chapter 9: Simple smile

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~Your Pov~

After passing out in the arms of the Devil, you woke up in the Devil's office once again. And, once again, your head was lying on the Devil's lap. "Here we are again." you said, his attention. You sat up, and stretched your limbs. The Devil chuckled and said, "Not our fault you have a habit of holding me in your sleep." You face heated up with blush. "What?" you asked. "Whenever I bring you in here, I try to leave you be to sleep." he explains. "But, when I try to brush some hair out of your face, you wrap your arms around my arm, and hold it tight against your chest." You felt your face was boiling with hot blush. "Sorry." you said. rubbing the back of your head. "It's fine." he said with a chuckle. "I'm just glad you're okay. You're also free to take another day off. I'm sure that last night's experience hasn't quite set you in the right mood for today." You shivered, remembering what happened last night. You felt the area where your brother had wounded you, and felt that they were gone. "Wha-" "I had Dice heal you." he said, interrupting you. "I couldn't just let those wounds stay."
You smiled, and then ran up to him and hugged him. He flinched when you threw your arms around him. "Thank you." you said. "Thank you so much. I don't know what would have happened to me if you weren't there." He was frozen for a moment. No one had ever thanked him before. But after a second, he smiled and hugged you back. "You're welcome." he said.

You decided to not take the day off. You told the Devil that you should make more use of yourself around the place, but in all honesty, you were afraid of going out and running into your brother again.
"You already do more work than the current staff here." the Devil said. "I'm not so sure." you said. "All I do is sweep and mop the floors, clean the dishes, wash the tables, and prepare the drinks and refreshments." The Devil just stared at you, trying to figure out your point. "And your point is..?" He said. "The rest of the staff has to serve the customers, and bet against them." you said. "They have a lot of pressure on them to win the games, and they have to deal with social interaction. That is not an easy task." "I'm sure that talking to people isn't as hard as it seems." the Devil said. "Alright. Then go talk to that customer over there if they want any drinks or refreshments." you said, pointing to someone at a table. "Um, no." he said, frowning. "I'm not a waiter, and I doubt they'd even want to answer due to my appearance." You crossed your arms and looked up at him. "You just proved my point." you said. "Social interaction isn't as easy as it sounds." The Devil sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine." he grumbled. "Just don't work too hard." You nodded, and headed into the kitchen. You readied some drinks, and some small refreshments, then headed out to the main part of the casino to wait the tables.

After about an hour of waiting tables, you went back to your normal cleaning job. While sweeping up crumbs on the carpet, you passed by Dice. "(Y/n), can you go to the boss' office to get me some ink?" He asked. "Is he in there?" You asked. "No. I saw him leave a few minutes ago." he replied. "Okay. I'll be right back." you said, leaning the broom against the wall and walking towards the Devil's office.
You went through the drawers of the Devil's desk until you found a container of ink. Just before you shut the drawer, you saw a calendar. Your curiosity ended up getting the best of you, and you pulled it out. You saw it was on the current month. Then you saw a day circled in red, and it had some words on it. The words were very sloppily written, so you could barely make it out. But after some trying, you made out the words "spawn" and "day". 'Spawn day.' you thought, letting the two words run through your head for a minute. Then it clicked into place. This day that was circled was the Devil's birthday! You looked at it again, hard-wiring the day into your brain, so you could remember it.
You quickly put the calendar back in the drawer, and hurried to exit, but as soon as you opened the door, you were met face-to-face with the Devil himself. Your eyes went wide, and your heart started to pound. The Devil raised an eyebrow, and asked, "What are you doing?" You gulped and replied with, "I-I was just getting some ink for Dice, because he said he ran out." "Ah, I see." the Devil replied. You stepped aside, letting him pass, and then you walked out.

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