Chapter 8: Not so dark-hearted

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~Bit of a mature warning for this chapter~

~Your Pov~

Ever since you danced with the Devil, he's been watching over you. Whenever a customer would talk with you, or got drunk and tried flirting with you, the Devil would be there to back them off. It kind of made you feel uncomfortable, and weak. Like, you couldn't defend yourself, and needed the strongest person here to protect you. Whenever you were approached by a customer, you tried to make it look like you had everything under control, but out of nowhere, the Devil would show up, and stand behind you, glaring at the customer until they walked away. When King Dice told you that he liked you, you didn't think that he would just try to keep you away from the entire world.

You felt like you were back at your parents' house. No allowed interaction with anyone except the people who lived there. And you were hardly ever allowed outside. You hated it there. You were treated like a princess, but you hated it. So you ran away, and lived by Grim's castle for about six years. But now, even though you worked for the Devil, it felt like you were right back at your old home.
Eventually, after several days of the Devil telling people off, you got annoyed, and asked to talk with him after the casino was closed.

"Is something bothering you?" The Devil asked after the two of you entered his office. "More like someone." you said, grinding your teeth. "Who is it?" He asked. "I swear when I find out who it is, I'll-" "It's you!" You snapped, surprising him. "I know you like me, because it's pretty hard not to tell. But I don't need your protection every second of the day! Every time I try to help a customer, you will come out of nowhere and scare them away! It's annoying as heck! Stop it! I'm not a damsel in distress, or a princess! Stop treating me like one!"
The Devil was absolutely speechless. You've never yelled like this before, or gotten this angry. "I just want to make sure no one tries to hurt you, or try anything funny with you." he said. "I understand that, but I'm fully capable of handling that myself!" You growled. "I'm not a child! I've been surviving by myself for over 6 years! I don't need you to act like my fricking body guard!"
The Devil looked like he was going turn into an emotional wreck, but he took a slow, deep breath, and spoke. "Alright." he said. "I won't shoo customers away from you anymore, if that's what you want." "Thank you." you grumbled. "Now that that's out of the way, I'm going home. Good night, sir."

As you walked through Inkwell Isle three, you felt regret in your soul. You just hurt his feelings, and he was just trying to protect you. He cared about you, and he didn't want anything bad to happen. You mentally cursed at yourself for letting your anger take over you. You could have just politely asked, and maybe since he like you, he would've been nice enough to stop.
After you arrived to Inkwell Isle two, and lied down underneath Grim's tower, you found yourself having trouble falling asleep. You knew the guilt was eating you up from the inside. Even though you did the right thing by speaking up to him, you still felt guilty about being so angry and harsh towards him.
You took some deep breaths through your nose, trying to think about something else. After some time, you eventually managed to drift off.

The next day, upon arriving to the casino, King Dice greeted you like normal. You said hello back like you usually would, but that was it. You then grabbed your assignment papers, seeing you had to tend the bar today. So, you headed behind the counter, and started to do what every bar tender does... wipe the counter with a rag.
You got some whispers from the rest of the staff, saying that the Devil was very aggressive after your meeting with him last night. Whenever one of the staff went into his office to talk to him, he would snap, and scare the hell outta them.
King Dice asked you several times what you and him talked about last night, but you just told him it was best he didn't know. You didn't want him to upset him, and make him think that all of this was your fault, even when you already knew it was.
You decided to walk up to Mr. Wheezy after you finished making a drink for someone. "What should I do about all this?" You asked him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I made the boss upset with our argument last night." you said. "I was just upset that he made me look like I was helpless around the customers, and I didn't want him constantly having to scare customers away from me." "That's pretty brave." Wheezy said. "We can barely even ask for a raise from the Devil, and you yelled in his face to leave you alone." "Well yeah, but I feel super guilty, because now he's upset." you said. "He gets upset over a lot of things nowadays." Wheezy said. "Ever since Cuphead and Mugman kicked his ass, he's been more snappy and grumpy. It's not your fault that he's like this. Just give him some time, and he'll calm down soon enough." "Alright." you said with a sigh. "I'll believe you."

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