Chapter 12: In every stranger

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~Your Pov~

You wake up, feeling refreshed as ever. You hadn't had a peaceful sleep such as this in many years. You heard soft snoring and looked to see that the Devil was still fast asleep. You looked up at the clock that was on his wall and saw that it was six thirty in the morning. The casino wouldn't be open for another few hours. You thought about maybe going back to sleep, since the bed was so soft and warm. But you didn't want to become lazy. So you got up, stretched your back, put your shoes back on, and left the Devil to sleep in peace. 
You quietly walked through the corridor of the staff's rooms, and headed down to the main casino floor. You saw that some dishes weren't clean, card decks hadn't been shuffled, cue balls hadn't been arranged, and the stench of rotting cigarettes were in a couple ashtrays. You took a deep breath, and began to get to work.

After a while you had shuffled the decks of cards, cleaned all of the dishes, wiped off the tables and bar top, and emptied all of the ashtrays. You thought about spraying the place with some air freshener, but then you remembered that the smell would immediately come back when the casino opens. So you just decided to go into the kitchen to get yourself some breakfast.

After about an hour after eating breakfast, and playing some songs on your guitar, you nearly jumped out of your skin upon hearing the door to the break room bust open. You whipped your head in the direction of hearing the door bang open, and saw a very wide-eyed Devil. When he locked eyes with you, he placed a hand over his heart, and took a deep breath. He then walked up to you and just looked into your startled eyes. "Boss, are you okay?" You asked. "You look like you're about to have a heart attack." "Where were you?" He asked in a low voice, sounding menacing, but with a hint of worry. "I-I was just down here, cleaning up." you said, worried he might be angry with you. 
Then, you felt him wrap his fur coated arms around you. Surprised, you looked up to see him squeezing his eyes shut and his face covered with worry. "I was so worried you were taken from me again." he said. "If you get up before me again, please leave me a note." You chuckled a little bit and set down your guitar, wrapping your arms back around him. "Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" You asked. He slowly nodded and looked down at you, looking into your eyes. "Everything's okay." you said. "I'm here, you're here, everyone's here. We're all here and safe." He slowly unwrapped his arms around you, and took a deep breath. 
You felt him immediately tense up when he heard the break room door shut from behind him, and he whipped around to face the rest of the staff, who were all in complete awe.
The Devil took a deep breath through his nose, and then turned back into the person people knew him as. He was yelling at his staff, ordering them to get to work. After everyone scattered to their stations, he went over to his office. You decided to stand next to the bar and wait until he had an order for you.

You stayed at the bar, preparing drinks for the casino's patrons. But just before the casino closed, something a bit odd happened. A hooded person came up to the bar, and slid a folded up paper towards you, then walked quickly out of the casino. You raised a brow, then took the paper in your hands, unfolded it and read the words on it. Finely written, it said, "Meet me outside. Alone." There was no signature, but you could swear that you could recognize the handwriting. You decided to brush it off and walked away from the bar, knowing Wheezy or Chips would take it over when they saw it was empty. 
You walked over to the Devil and tapped him on the shoulder, getting his attention. "What is it?" He asked, turning to face you. You handed him the note and said, "Someone gave this to me a couple of minutes ago, and I'm not sure what to do." He looked at it, and then handed it back to you. "Obviously, don't go outside by alone." he replied. "It might be your brother and his gang of assholes." "I don't think my brother would just walk in here, looking all suspicious with his hood up, give me this note and then leave without doing anything else." you said, rubbing your chin as you thought. "I'm kind of curious." "You are NOT going out there." he ordered. "And why is that?" you asked, feeling a tad bit annoyed that he raised his voice at you. "You may be my boss, but you don't own my soul. I get to choose if I want to go out there and meet this person or not." "No you don't!" He snarled. "You work for me, so you listen to ME!" "You don't own me!" You yelled, becoming angry. "YES I DO!!" He roared. "YOU ARE MINE!" You screamed and slapped him clean across the face, then stormed off. 

You went into the break room, and just yelled as loud as you could. You felt like breaking something, but then you knew you or someone else would have to clean it up. You stormed around the room, occasionally kicking the walls, and angrily grumbling to yourself. "He thinks he can just tell me what to do." "He's not the boss of my actions after hours." "I hate him so much." "I never loved him." 
After about half an hour of you angrily stomping around the break room, you calmed down. You looked up at the time, and saw that the casino was closed. You quickly hid under the tables as you heard footsteps approaching the door. You stayed under there until you saw everyone pass by... including the Devil. You watched as he paused in the middle of the room, and shuffled his feet. Then you saw King Dice come back in the room. "Are you coming boss?" You heard him ask. "She's not in here." the Devil said, sounding a tad worried. "She's probably just in your room." Dice said. "That was quite the argument you two had. She just needs some time to rest it off." "Maybe you're right, Dice." the Devil said. "I'm just worried that I hurt her." "I understand that, boss." Dice said. "But it's pretty late, and maybe she just went to bed early. Why don't you go check on her?" You didn't hear anything, but then the Devil began to walk out of the room. You waited til you heard the door close behind them, then you crept out from under the tables. You stood there, thinking about his words. 'Is he really that worried about me?' You thought. 'Maybe I was too hard on him... No. He had no right to say those things to me. I said the right things back to him.' You shook your head, and then headed out the door, across the casino floor, and to the entrance door. 
You took a deep breath as you stared at the doors. Were you really going to do this? What if the Devil was right, and it was your brother and his gang? What if they were here to take you back to your mother's house? You shook your head. "I can't keep living in fear of them." you said to no one. "I have to face them sooner or later." And you pulled the casino doors open, and walked outside. 

You looked around for the hooded figure, and possibly a large gang of people. Then suddenly, you heard soft crying. You looked around the entrance area, then you saw the hooded figure who had given you the note earlier. "Hello?" You said, announcing your presence. The figure lifted their head, and looked in your direction. "A-Are you alone?" The person asked, their voice shaking a little bit. "Yes." you said. "I want nothing to do with that Devil anymore." You scrunched up your nose, looking back at the casino doors. 
The hooded person walked up to you, causing you to step back a bit. "I'm sorry." they said, then they pulled back their hood. It was your big brother, Jacob. You were surprised to see him, but not as surprised as you were to see that his cheeks were drenched in tear stains. "Jacob, what happened to you?" You asked him, placing a hand over your mouth. "I'm sorry, (y/n)." he said, kneeling down, and wrapping his arms around himself. "I'm so sorry." You heard his cries as his body shook. All the hate and anger you had for him and for the Devil had completely vanished. "Jacob... what happened?" You asked, kneeling down to meet his eyes. He just threw his arms around you and shook as he held you close to him. You were completely stunned, but took some deep breaths and hugged him back. He buried his crying face into your shoulder as you soothingly rubbed his back. "Jacob, please tell me what happened." you said one last time. 

Suddenly, you felt something being pushed into the back of your right shoulder. You gasped and pushed Jacob off of you. You looked and saw he had an empty syringe in his hand. "Did... Did you just-..." you tried to say, but it was already taking affect. You started to fall over, but Jacob caught you and held you against him. You could still hear him crying, and you felt his tear drops landing on your cheeks. "I'm sorry, (y/n)." he said. "I'm so so sorry." 

Then it all faded to black

~Author's Note~

Wow. I guess (y/n) isn't as smart as she thought she was.

Sorry for how short this chapter was. 

I'll try to make the next one a bit longer.

I hope you enjoyed!!

Stay tuned for more!

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