Chapter 5: Make your choice

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~Your Pov~

Cuphead and Mugman stared at you in disbelief. "Why on Inkwell Isle would you want to work here?!" Cuphead shouted. You placed you index finger in front of your lips as a sign to be quiet. "I... made a bet with the Devil." you said, lowering your head. "Why?!" Cuphead shouted, causing Mugman to shush him. "I thought I could win, and then be able to gloat about beating the Devil, but I lost I lost." you said. "So you lost your soul?" Mugman asked, looking worried. "No no no! I still own my soul." you said. "The deal was that if I lost, I would have to work here for the rest of my life. I can't quit, but he can't take my soul." "Why would you bet against the Devil?" Cuphead asked, in a lower voice. "I thought you would know from our mistake, and from everyone else's that it's dangerous." "Because I had beaten King Dice in a game, so I felt confident. But, then I realized that there's no beating him." you said.

"Does Grim know about this?" Mugman asked. Your tensed up, and your eyes widened at the mention of Grim. "He doesn't know, does he?" Cuphead asked, putting his hands on his hips. You lowered your head and squeezed your eyes shut. "I couldn't tell him." you said. "I just couldn't put that much worry on him." "(Y/n), he doesn't see you anymore because you work here." Mugman said. "He's worried already that your being pushed around, and over worked. He misses playing with you." "I know, and I miss him, too." you said. "But I just can't run away from this. I don't know where the Devil put my contract, so I can't run with it, and I'm pretty sure he'd be able to find me again even if I tried to run away." "So what, your pledging your hard labor to the Devil forever?" Cuphead asked, and you nodded, looking away.

"Whatever you two do, please don't let Grim know about this." you said. "(Y/n), Grim needs to know!" Mugman said. "No! I can't put that stress on him." you said. "It would crush him." "It would crush him even more to know that you've been lying to him." Cuphead said. You winced, and bit your bottom lip. You sighed realizing that Grim would have understood. He had been in your exact same place when the Devil made a deal with him. "You're right." you said, on the brink of tears. "I'll find him, and tell him after the show." "Want us to be there for support?" Mugman asked. "Thanks, Mugs. But I have a bad feeling something might happen if the Devil sees you two next to me." "So what?" Cuphead said, waving it off. "We beat that fiend once, we'll do it again!" "No! You can't!" You said, putting your hands out. "What? Why not?" he asked, raising a brow in confusion. "Because this place is filled with people." you said. "The Devil could use them to his advantage." Cuphead froze. "You have a point there." he said, looking around at the amount of people there were. "Let's avoid fighting today." you said. "If something happens, I'll figure out how to handle it. You two don't engage in rough housing." They both nodded.

"So what are you going to do, now?" Mugman asked. "I have to keep working." you replied. "You're not gonna sing?" Cuphead asked. "I don't think so." you said. "I fear I might get in trouble." "Come on, (y/n)." Cuphead complained. "You're the best singer on Inkwell Isle! You've got to sing!" "But I might get into trouble." you said. "(Y/n), don't let the Devil try to control your life." Cuphead said. "He doesn't own your soul, so he isn't your master, or whatever." "I know, but you have to admit, it's hard not to be scared of him." you said. "You are right, but you have to be brave." Mugman said. You were silent for a moment, then said, "I'll see what I can do." 
Suddenly, there was and announcemnet that the show was starting. "You two better get over there." you said. "I'll catch up." They looked at each other, and shrugged before heading over to the stage.

After a few people sang songs, you looked over to the Devil. He was drinking a glass of red wine. You watched as he rolled his eyes after the person on stage just finished singing. You watched as he said something to King Dice. As he looked away, you quickly dashed towards the closet, shoved the cleaning supplies inside, and then sneaked your way over to the stage.
"And who to we have next?" The announcer said. You walked up to him, and whispered in his ear. "Ah, okay." he said away from the mic, and helped you onto the stage. "Next, we have (y/n) (l/n), singing a special song!" He said, handing you the microphone and stepping off the stage. Everyone gasped when they saw you, then cheered because they knew you were a good singer since you sang at the show every year.

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