Chapter 4: Worth your while

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~Your Pov~

It's been a bit over one month since you started working for the Devil. Everyday, you worked as hard as you could. Tending the bar and making drinks, cleaning the floors, or in the kitchen making food to serve the residents. And everyday, things would gradually get better, and easier. The staff wouldn't bug you as much, and cleaning wasn't so annoying anymore. Sometimes when you swept, prepared drinks, cooked, or cleaned dishes, you would hum a tune to yourself. But you always stopped whenever someone came by, because you had stage fright around these guys, and you didn't want them to hear you and possibly tease you about it.

Today, after you arrived home and changed into your normal clothes, you heard Grim's voice calling to you from above. "H-H-H-Hey! (Y/n)!" He called, causing you to look up at your big, green friend. You waved at him, and watched as Grim flew down and landed beside you. "Hey, Grim." you said, giving him a friendly smile. "What are you doing up this late?" Grim would normally fall asleep by sunset, but the sun was already down, and he was still up and awake. "I w-w-w-waited for you to c-c-c-come home." he stuttered out. "I wanted to r-r-r-remind you about the k-k-k-karaoke show tomorrow." Your eyes went wide, and your breath nearly got caught in your throat. You had completely forgotten about the karaoke show. You had been so busy with work at the casino, that it never crossed your mind.
"You didn't f-f-f-forget about it, did you?" Grim asked. You nervously shook. You had never forgotten about it before. Would he get suspicious? "Uhm... Well I-I did for a little while, b-because I was working a lot." you said, trying to look calm. "Oh! Well, are you g-g-g-going to it?" He asked. You felt sweat slightly dripping down your head, even though the night was chilly. You were sure that the Devil didn't care about the show at all, and he would probably punish you for even asking to go.
"I... I'm sorry, Grim. I can't go." you said. "What?!" He exclaimed. "I have to work that day." you said. "B-B-B-But I thought everything was closed that d-d-d-day for the show." he said. "I thought so too, but the D-... Mrs. Stageplay wants me to come in that day." you said, nearly forgetting you had lied to Grim about your job. "Aww." he whimpered, sadly. "I'm sorry, Grim." you said, rubbing the dragon's nose. "Maybe you and me can do another one when I'm not working." Grim sniffled, but smiled, and nodded. You smiled back, and gave him a small hug.

You sighed as Grim flew back up to his tower and settled in for the night. "If only you truly knew, Grim." you said to nobody. "But you can't. I'm so sorry."  You lied down in the cold night's grass, wrapping your limbs around yourself to create whatever warmth you could, and fell asleep, unaware of a certain, watching pair of eye.

~Devil Pov~

After (y/n) went home, I sent one of my minions to follow her. I wanted to know if she knew about the karaoke show tomorrow, and if she was interested in singing in it. I wanted to know if she sang, because I would often catch her humming whenever I saw her working. Whenever she caught sight of me, she would stop instantly. It made me wonder if she had stage freight, or if I just made her really nervous.
Wait... why do I care if I make her nervous? She's supposed to fear me. I'm the Devil himself. I am the ruler of hell. The eater of souls. And every other name people call me. Why did I care if she was scared of me? Didn't I want her to be scared of me?

My minion returned, dragging me out of my thoughts. He landed on the desk in front of me, breathing heavily, which made it was obvious that he had been chased back here. I rolled my eyes, and used my magic to levitate him up to meet my face. "Did you get the information I need?"I asked him. He took some deep breaths, but nodded. "She goes to it every year, boss." the minion said. "Good work." I said. He opened his mouth to speak again, but I interrupted and said, "Now get out, and bring Dice to me." He took a deep breath, but nodded and went to fetch King Dice for me.

I went over some paperwork before Dice came in, then I set my pen down and looked up at him. "You called for me, boss?" He asked, bowing in respect to me. "I sent one of my minions to see if (y/n) had any interests in the annual karaoke show." I said. "Turns out she goes to it every year, and sings." "Interesting." Dice said, stroking his mustache. "But, what does that have to do with anything around here?" I grinned devilishly, and stood up. "I was thinking we could go down to the Inkwell Isle board and request that the show be held in the casino." I said. Dice's eyes widened, and he shook his head in shock. "But boss, you could possibly be attacked if you go out there." he warned. "I know." I said. "That's why you're coming with me."
Dice opened his mouth to speak, but froze when I grabbed his arm. "Now, come along, Dicey." I said, dragging him behind me.

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