in the morning

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When Tom woke up, he reached out to touch the soft skin of her arm, only opening his eyes when his fingertips grazed the air and the cold sheets of the bed instead

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When Tom woke up, he reached out to touch the soft skin of her arm, only opening his eyes when his fingertips grazed the air and the cold sheets of the bed instead. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, glancing around. His clothes were still strewn around the room, and he was covered with nothing but the sheets of his bed, but her clothes were nowhere to be found. Where was she? She said she'd be here in the morning. She'd promised.


Tom looked around the room, taking in the dim lighting, the loud music, everything this party had to offer. Which looked, to Tom, like not much. He didn't particularly want to be here. Harrison had wanted to be here and insisted that Tom come with him. The only reason that Tom came with was that he knew that the girl Harrison was interested in was going to be there, and he wanted to be a good friend.

As he scanned the room, Tom noticed a girl sitting in the corner of the room, not paying much attention to her surroundings. He decided that if anyone at this party was worthy of his time, it was probably her, and he began making his way toward her. He pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, "accidentally" bumping his arm into hers. He could tell that she was ready to fire a snarky remark at whoever had impeded on her space, but when she looked up, the anger left her face, and she seemed to be at a loss for words. Tom gave her a smile, "Hello, love. Sorry, didn't mean to bump you there."

She shook her head, giving him a smile back, shifting her body towards his a little, "Oh, no worries. I didn't mind."

Tom let out a quiet laugh, nodding his head before speaking again, "Alright then. I don't know about you, but I'm not having the best time here. Would you like to go find something else to do?"

"With you? I don't even know you. How do I know you're not going to murder me?"

"Well, if I was going to, I wouldn't be so upfront, now would I?" Tom laughed again and stood up, holding his hand out to her. She hesitated for a moment before taking his hand in hers and standing up.


Tom paused, moving out of his bed after a moment and tugging on his boxers. He ran his hand through his hair and looked around the room before picking up articles of his clothing that were lying on the ground. Maybe she left a number for him. He walked over to the bedside dresser. Nothing on the top. Maybe it was in one of the drawers. Tom pulled the drawers out, one by one, quickly glancing through everything in there. Nothing in the drawers. How could she just leave without saying anything to him?


Once they left the party, they didn't make it all that far. In fact, they only ended up at a park down the street. She sat down on one of the swings and pushed off of the ground, her hair floating behind her. Tom watched her for a moment and then sat down beside her, swinging slowly. They didn't talk much; nothing needed to be said at that moment. After a few minutes, she jumped off without a warning and waltzed over to the grass next to the park. Tom furrowed his eyebrows with a laugh, but then followed her to the grass.

He took a seat in the grass, staring over at the beautiful girl before falling onto his back into the grass. The grass was kind of damp from the cool night, but he didn't mind. He reached up without looking and tugged on her hand, gesturing for her to join him on his back. She let out one of the prettiest sounds Tom had ever heard; it was only a short giggle, but he loved the way it sounded and wanted to make her do it again. She laid down next to him, pausing for a moment before moving her body closer to his. Tom shifted his position, moving his arm underneath her head, his fingers resting in her hair, as they looked up at the stars together.


Why had she gone? Even though they hadn't known each other long, there was something between the two of them, Tom was sure of it. Sure, they hadn't known each other long. But last night, underneath the stars, they'd talked for hours. Tom told her things that he didn't tell just anyone; he opened up to her, and she to him. She had seemed genuinely interested in him, she said she wanted to get to know him. So why did she go?


Tom unlocked the door to his place, taking her hand and guiding her inside. He didn't bother to turn on any lights as he led her upstairs, some of the stairs creaking as they made their way up. He pushed open his bedroom door and closed it after her. As soon as the door closed, his shirt came off. Soft, gentle kisses underneath the stars at the park had turned into this.

This typically wasn't Tom's thing. He wasn't the type for one night stands. But he hoped this wouldn't be a one night stand. He'd really connected to her these past few hours and there was something between them. He grabbed her gently by the hips, pulling her body into his and grabbed the hem of her shirt, gently tugging it over her head, letting it join his shirt somewhere on the floor.

Both of them managed to get their pants off as they moved to the bed, leaving them in nothing but their underwear. Tom gave her sides a gentle push and she fell down into the bed with a giggle, Tom quickly moved to hover over her, a smile finding its way to his lips at the sound as he brushed his lips over hers. In a matter of moments, both lips and limbs were tangled together. His hot skin brushed over hers. Hands were tangled in hair. Soft noises filled the room. It was perfect.

Not long after, they laid in bed next to each other, the sheets drawn up over their bare skin. She shifted to face Tom, his hand coming to rest on her side, as she spoke to him quietly, "Thanks for the wonderful time, Tom. I can't wait for breakfast, it better be something good."

Tom tilted his head back slightly as he let out a laugh, nodding his head, "Alright then, love. I'll make you pancakes, eggs, waffles, bacon... whatever you want, just name it." She giggled once more before turning back around, scooting back to Tom with her back against his chest. Tom's arm wrapped around her waist once more before they both drifted off to sleep.


It was wonderful, she'd said so herself. They'd had an amazing time. Tom let out a loud sigh and collapsed backwards onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He just didn't get it. Not one bit. Where was she? How could she just walk away after that perfect night? Where was she this morning?

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