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A/N: This is a random book I decided to make and I'm warning y'all now that the first couple chapters are pretty cringe worthy because my writing is just...ew. My writing has gotten a lot better since I've started! Anyways feel free to read the little scenarios I make up in my head and write for all you Ben Hardy stans.


My alarm had gone off at exactly 7:30 am.
"Today is the big day!" I repeatedly told myself!

I was interviewing the cast of Bohemian Rhapsody today! I was just starting my journalism career and today was my biggest assignment! I was beyond excited!

I got ready, putting on a white blouse with nice black pants and heels. I curled my hair fairly quickly as I was saving time to make my makeup look perfect! Once I had finished, I made myself some breakfast, then I was out the door!


I arrived at the venue where the interviews were being held. I had gotten out of my car and walked in. A few other journalists were waiting for their scheduled time. I sat in a row of empty chairs lining the wall. I heard a door swing open. Rami, Joe, Gwilym, and Ben walked out. I assumed it was their break, after being interviewed for hours on end. They walked towards me, suddenly making me really nervous. I caught myself staring at Ben because he looked so damn good! He noticed and winked at me! He then turned away and continued to follow the rest of the boys.

"Did that really just happen?" I say under my breath.

An hour passes and I'm still sitting in the empty row of chairs. The boys were back in the interview room being fired with the same questions over and over. I was excited because I had some fun things planned for our interview!

"(F/N) (L/N)!" A producer called from down the hall!

I got up from my seat and proceeded down the hall as the producer opened the door for me. I walked in and saw all the cameras and lights! Then I saw Ben! He looked slightly nervous, but I didn't think much of it. I sat down and introduced myself!

"Hi guys! How are you doing today?"

"Very well thank you!" All of the boys said in unison, as they've been asked that multiple times already today.

During the interview I'd quickly glance over at Ben. I would catch him looking at me too! He'd look away immediately as his cheeks fired with a hot pink sheen. He had such pretty eyes, I could stare at them all day! Also his beautiful blonde hair and muscular figure! I was becoming distracted! I needed to spice things up! I didn't want a bad review from by boss about giving a boring interview! So I put together a really tricky Queen quiz!

Ben answered almost all of the questions and correctly too! What a nerd I though to myself. It was really cute though! I had to wrap up my interview as my time with the cast had come to an end!

"Congratulations on the film! Best of luck to you all! Thank you!" I said with excitement!

I got up and took one last look at Ben! He was leaning forward playing with his fingers, looking very anxious about something. I walked out of the room and was so happy with how the interview went. I was walking down the long hallway past all the empty chairs. Before stepping out into the parking lot I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I turned around and to my surprise, it was Ben!

I almost fell over.

"(Y/N)! That's your name right?" Ben said almost out of breath.

"Yeah yeah! Hey!" I said confused but with a slight giggle.

"Great interview!" He said nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Ah thanks! It was really fun!" I replied back!

"I was wondering if you'd like to..." He paused. "go out with me sometime?"

"Of course! How could I turn THE Ben Hardy down!" I said sarcastically trying to relieve some of the tension.

"Ben get back in here now! You said you were getting water! Not going to talk to the girl you thought was cute! Let's go! We've got another interview in 5 minuets!" Joe yelled down the hall smiling!

Ben turns back to me and is blushing out of control!

"Oh my god!" He said completely embarrassed with a pause in between each word.

"You better get back in there hot shot!" I said getting a bit closer.

"I like you already!" Ben said with a big smirk on his face.

He put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in for a quick passionate kiss as he was in a rush! Ben pulled out his phone and had me add my contact.

"I'll text you tonight!" Ben said loudly as he started to quickly walk down the hall. Before he stepped back into the room, he gave me a little smile as he ran his hands through his hair.

I suddenly had the biggest crush on Ben Hardy just after one interview!

A/N: This being my first imagine, I hope it's not horrible!

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