"You're absolutely perfect."

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It's your first day on the set of 'Bohemian Rhapsody', your first day on any set for that matter. This was your first part in any film so you're extremely nervous even though you're literally just an extra. You're cast as one of 'Roger's' girlfriends which causes even more stress as the actor who plays him is absolutely gorgeous, Ben Hardy.

You're chatting with a few of the extras on set when you hear footsteps coming from behind you, causing you to turn around.

"Hey!" Ben says with a big toothy smile, "You're (Y/N) right?" He asks.

"Yeah! Hi, nice to finally meet you." You try hard not to blush as you shake his hand.

His hand was soft, with a strong grip as both your hands shake up and down.

"I just wanted to meet with you before our scenes today." He let's go of your hand, placing it in his jean pocket.

"Of course! I'm so happy you did because if you hadn't, I would have been freaking out, having just meet you before shooting." You say scratching the back of your neck nervously.

Why would I tell him I'm nervous? I'm such an idiot.

"You're nervous?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." You can feel your cheeks heating up as your heart begins to race, "This is my first ever acting gig." You say.

"Oooo awesome!" His face lights up, "It'll be fun, trust me! There's no need to worry!" Ben says in a calming tone.

"I'm just stressing myself out that's all." You giggle to try and relieve some of the pressure building up inside your chest.

"You'll be fine!" Ben nods, "I'm gonna head back to hair and makeup. Wanna come with me and see if they're ready for the both of us?"

"Yeah! That's probably a good idea!" You begin to follow Ben as he leads the way.


You, Ben, Rami, Gwilym, Joe, Lucy and a few other extras were all ready for the tour bus scene. You're decked out in all 70's attire and you've been given a completely unfamiliar hairstyle.

You're called onto set, walking over you see the main cast in their wigs and outfits for the first time. Ben looks rather dapper in his blonde wig, the long hair suits him very well.

"(Y/N)!" Ben calls from across the set as he begins to walk towards you, "You look fantastic!"

Don't blush (Y/N)! Don't do it!

"Thank you!" You say as a smile spreads across your lips, "You're not looking too bad yourself! Love the wig." You giggle.

"Thanks!" He glances at the floor, "So, how are you feeling about the scene?"

"Still a bit nervous, not gonna lie." You say as your smile turns into a little pout.

"Like I said before, you'll be fine." Ben says reassuringly.

Ben takes you to the bus where you're filming this little tour bus scene. You're asked to lay your head across his chest, as you 'nap'. You sit next to Ben, awkwardly positioning yourself against his upper body, placing one hand on the center of his chest.

"You're nervous, I can't tell!" Ben says giggling as he looks down at you.

"Oh whatever!" You say sarcastically as you can't help but smile back at him.

"Everyone ready?" The director calls from behind the camera.

All the cast nods in response.


The camera pulls forward, towards you and Ben, you're eyes closed as you feel his hand touch your back, rubbing it slightly. This motion calms you're nervous tremendously.

"Alright cut!" The director calls, "Okay that was quick and easy! Thanks guys."

You open your eyes, removing your head from Ben's chest. Ben looks at you as the other extra laying on his opposite side leaves the set.

"See it wasn't too bad!"

"I don't know why I was so nervous! I was literally just laying there." You say as you begin to laugh from embarrassment.

"You're absolutely perfect." Ben says without hesitation.

"Huh?" You say out of confusion.

"You shouldn't need to worry. You're gorgeous and an absolute talent so be confident in yourself." He nervously smiles as he speaks.

"Ben that's so sweet I-" You can barley say as you're completely speechless.

Ben leans in towards your face.

"May I?"

You nod your head as Ben places his soft pink lips onto yours. Is this really happening right now? Your heart is flipping inside of your chest as your lips synchronize together. The kiss lasts a few moments longer before pulling away.

"Never doubt yourself again." Ben smirks.

"I won't!" You shake your head as you innocently smile.

"Ready for the next shot?" Ben says taking your hands into his.

You nod before Ben places another kiss onto your lonely lips.

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