Meeting on the Job

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A few weeks ago, your parents forced you to get a job. There weren't any places hiring nearby other than your local pet shop. You loved animals so you decided to apply. How bad could it be?


You've been working there for about a week and you're now just starting to get used to your daily work load. You're two mains jobs are cashier and floor/sales assistant. It's a pretty boring job and all your coworkers are dull and are not fun to work with.

You're working a full schedule today on floor duty which immediately puts you in a bad mood as that particular time slot and task is completely miserable. This better go by fast...

You open the shop and its like a ghost town, not a single customer in sight. You're wandering around the back aisles when you hear the bell ringing from the front door which signifies a customer has just walked in. You peak your head around the corner and spot a tall, fit blonde boy. Ooof! You walk to the front of the shop.

"Do you need any help?" You say as you approach him as he looks through an assortment of dog treats.

"Actually I do." He says looking up at you, his eyes widen as he does so.

Don't make things awkward (Y/N)!

"Do you know if you have any dental treat sticks?" He says as his eyes shuffle through the treats one last time.

"We do!" You say nodding your head with a smile, "Follow me!"

You lead him to the aisle with the dental sticks. You want to keep chatting with him as he was complete eye candy and he's the only customer that's come through the store so far today, you're a bit lonely.

"Thank you." He says with a cheeky smile, his cheeks flush pink.

"No problem!" Keep the conversation going! "What kind of dog do you have?" You ask before he turns his attention away from you.

"I've got a dog named Frankie, she's a beagle." He begins to giggle, looking down shyly at the floor. "I love her to death!"

"What a lucky girl!" You giggle back trying your hardest not to come off as flirtatious even though you want to, "My names (Y/N) by the way, just incase you need any more help."

"Alright (Y/N), thanks. I'm Ben!" He says as his green eyes meet with yours, mesmerizing you.

Your lips form a soft smile as you walk back to the break room. He's literally the sweetest but I'll probably never see him again.

You hear the little bell ring from the front door go off again, he's gone.

"(Y/N)! Come here." You hear the cashier, Aubrey yell across the shop.

You leave the break room and head to the front of the store.

"Did you know that guy that was just in the shop?" She asks with a smug grin on her face.

"No, why?" You say raising an eyebrow.

"He wanted to know if you were working tomorrow." Aubrey giggles.

"Really?" You feel your heart begging to race inside your chest. "Did he say anything else?"

"No but it seemed that he was trying to get one last look at you before leaving."

"What do you mean?" You try and suppress your excitement.

"As he was walking out the door he turned his head around to trying to find you or something. Pretty weird if you ask me." Aubrey says cringing.

"Maybe he likes me or something, right I mean why else would he do that?" You say, rambling complete non sense.

He wouldn't like me would he?

Aubrey could care less about anything you were saying. In one ear out the other, that's always the way it works with her. She looks at you and rolls her eyes before walking back behind the register.

Why can't anyone nice work here! It's really not that hard to listen and be a good co-worker is it?


The next day

You have the latest shift available for the day, 3:00-8:00. You're hoping that Ben shows up because that's the only reason you're excited about coming in and working. You're beginning to set up you're register as that was your job for the day. Slow business as usual, when about 2 hours into your shift a familiar face walks through the door.

"Hey!" Ben says acting surprised as he spots you behind the register.

"Hi! You're back so soon." You giggle as you feel your cheeks heating up, "You ran out of those dental sticks fast huh?"

"Actually I was gonna pick up a toy for Frankie. You know...dogs! They always need to be entertained right?" Ben says scrambling to find an excuse as to why he's back at the store so soon.

"Of course, yep!" You say sarcastically as a big smile starts to grow across your lips.

"I think I need help picking one out though. Do you mind helping me?" Ben says very convincingly as he begins to smirk, tempting you to leave the register.

"That's my job!" You say laughing as you leave your station.

Ben becomes very flirtatious with you as you both try and find a toy for Frankie. Every toy Ben grabs, he plays around with it trying, to get you to laugh. It worked, laughing every time. You and Ben eventually decide on a mini doughnut toy because he said his friend Joe would think it's funny. (Subscribe to Joe's Mazzello's YouTube channel!)

"This is perfect!" Ben laughs as he sways the toy in front of your face, earning a laugh from you once more.

"I shouldn't be this giggly at work! Stop!" You say teasing him.

"I'm gonna come in everyday now and try to make you laugh." Ben says placing the toy on the counter for you to ring up.

"I wouldn't mind that actually." You smile, shyly looking away.

"Well, I was thinking...I know I've literally just met you but would you like to come to my flat, meet Frankie and hang out?" Ben asks, his eyes full of hope as he waits for an answer.

"I would but my shift doesn't end for another 2 hours." You say frowning as you feel your heart sink in your chest.

"That's fine. I could pick you up when you're shift ends if that works for you?" He says smiling.

"Really? That would be great!" You say as your frown turns into a smile.


You ring up the toy for Frankie, handing Ben the bag.

"8:00! Don't forget!" You say as Ben walks towards the door.

"I won't, trust me love!" Ben says with a cheeky smile as he walks out the door.

A/N: I'll probably do a part two, only if you guys want one. If I were to do a part two is would probably be about (Y/N) meeting Frankie and hanging out at Ben's flat, getting to know him more.

Also I hope you guys understood why I put the "Subscribe to Joe Mazzello's YouTube channel!" next to the donut reference. Haha I'm such a dork skskjsk

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