Lazy Day

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"Good morning beautiful." Ben said with a husky morning voice as he turned to face me.

"Mhm! Good morning babe" I said snuggling closer.

Ben placed his arm over the side of my body, putting his hand on my back right before he started rubbing it lightly.

"I'm so tired!" I moaned.

"I think I'm having a lazy day today! Would you care to join me?"

"Do you really need an answer? Of course, that sounds so good right now!" I replied as I put my hand on his naked chest, nuzzling my head comfortably in between his shoulder and neck.

Ben and I were absolutely exhausted because of the night prior. We had Rami, Lucy, Joe and Gwilym over for a Karaoke night. We had stayed up for hours, not to mention, dancing and laughing our asses off!  Ben was the best though, when he's had a few drinks, he's a real character. When everyone left it was lights out! Ben and I were dead tired.


We both fell back asleep for another hour. When I woke up it was about 12:30 pm! Still cozied up to Ben, who was still in deep sleep, I decide to turn on the tv. While flipping through channels, Ben slowly started waking up.

"How'd you sleep, sleepy head?" I said watching Ben rub his eyes.

"Pretty damn good when I'm lying next to you." Ben tilted his head down so I was sure to see the big smirk stretched across his face. "And you love?"

"Good as well!" I replied placing a soft kiss to Ben's jawline.

"Good! You want me to make lunch?" Ben asked running his hands through my hair.

"Let's just order something. I mean after all it's a lazy day right?"

"Sounds good to me!"


Ben and I both agreed to order lunch as it was already 12:30.

*Ding dong*

Ben sat up instantly, breaking the grip I had around his chest. I groaned sarcastically as I watched him walk towards the door.

"Sorry love! I'm just starving!" Ben laughed as he looked back at me.

"That's alright!" I said with a slight grouchy undertone.

Ben walked back with a large bag. Ben and I both ordered the same thing, a chicken sandwich with fries. Ben sat back down next to me. I was eager to get my food so I quickly grabbed the bag out of his hands.

"Hey! Hey! What do you think you're doing (Y/N)?! First come first serve!" Ben retorted.

"You snooze you loose mister!" I happily replied opening the bag and grabbing my food.

"Alright, you got me!" Ben said playfully putting his hands in the air.

I knew Ben's ticklish spot was under his arm! This was the perfect opportunity to get him. I quickly raced my hands under his arms and started to tickle him. He began to laugh immediately as his body started to fall back against the couch. He was squirming around until he was able to flip me over. Ben was on top of me, hovering.

"I don't think so!" Ben said breathing heavily as he pushed a side a stray hair blocking his view. "Now it's your turn!"

Ben began to tickle my stomach. He knew that was my weak spot. I began to laugh hysterically. I tried pushing him away as I couldn't take it anymore!

"Stop! Please!" I said in between laughs.

"Alright aright! Now we're even!" Ben said still hovering over me.

He leaned in for a kiss. I pulled his body down on top of mine. My hands running through his blonde locks. Ben's hands making their way down to my sweatpants as he was trying to pull them down.

"Ben!" I moaned through kisses.

"Mhm?" Ben asked still continuing.

I pushed him off me.

"We better eat!" I giggled slightly as I completely killed the mood. "Cold fries sorta suck! We can resume this later!" I said smirking.

"Ugh!" Ben groaned. "Fine"

I picked the bag up off the floor, along with a few extra fries that slipped out. I handed Ben his food as I placed mine next to me. Ben turned on Netflix.

"What do you wanna watch, Ms. Mood Killer?" Ben asked sarcastically.

"Oh shut up!" I nudged his shoulder slightly. "What about (your favorite movie)?"

"(Y/N), we've watched that so many times!" Ben said whining taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Please!" I begged as I shook his arm.

"Alright! But next time...I pick!" Ben said smiling.


After we ate, it wasn't long before we both fell back asleep. Ben's arms wrapped around me. My legs crossed over his lap. My head rested on his shoulder. Ben woke up before me and placed a kiss on my lips. He did this several time before it woke me up.

"Missed me huh?"

"You could say that, yeah!" Ben said smiling. "Ready to resume what we started earlier?" Ben sat eagerly waiting for my answer.

"What happened to your lazy day idea?" I said laughing.

"I changed my mind!" Ben piped as he picked me up off the couch and lead me to the bedroom.

*This sucked actual ass! Omg🤮 Anyways, I've been running out of ideas recently. If any of you have requests, PLEASE feel free to let me know through a comment on this or any other chapters in the future!

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