After Party

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I had recently started a lifestyle blog on Instagram. Within a few months I was gaining thousands of followers a week. One day I had gone out to grab my mail. When I did, I noticed a very extravagant looking envelope shuffled in between my monthly bills. I went back inside my flat and sat down to open what was soon to be an invitation to one of the best nights of my life.

It was an invitation to the 2019 Golden Globes! In the letter residing in the beautiful envelope, it read...

"To Miss (Y/N) (L/N),

You are cordially invited to the 2019 Golden Globe Awards. With the success of your new Lifestyle blog on Instagram, it would be a great opportunity to meet new people and become inspired by other very talented individuals. Inside this envelope you'll find one ticket to the awards and a guest wristband for the after party's if you so desire.

Thanks you.

-Hollywood Foreign Press Association"

I was in complete shock! I immediately started looking for dresses. I had no idea what to wear, how to act or who I was going to interact with as I was going to this luxury event alone!

Weeks later...

Tonight was the night! I bought the most gorgeous red dress! It was very similar to Rihanna's stunning Grammys look from 2013! I also brought a tighter black dress to change into for the after party. I wasn't walking the red carpet as the night was more for the actors and actresses. I was later sent another letter saying to go through a guest entrance near the back of the venue. My limo arrived as I was on my way.

The show had begun and many fabulous people were appearing on stage, winning and presenting. Soon enough it came down to the last award of the night, Best Drama for a  Motion Picture. Nicole Kidman read out the winner "Bohemian Rhapsody!" I was so happy! I really loved the film! As some of the cast and others that worked on the film appeared on stage I noticed the other "band members" weren't there! I was really hoping to see the cute blonde, Ben Hardy! I really hoped he was going to the same after party as me!

The show ended and it was time to change into my tighter black dress. It was a pretty long walk from the venue to the actual after party. My feet were killing me and I was already tired! "How could I continue to stand on my feet!" I thought to myself! I put my guest wristband on and had shown it to the security, guarding the door. I was let in and as soon as security opened the door for me, the party already looked fantastic! Drinks and food platters covered every table. People chatted amongst themselves. Since I was there alone and there were celebrities every which way, I didn't know what to do with myself. So, I decided to grab a drink near the back of the venue. As I was grabbing something from the small cooler another hand reached for the same drink, bumping into my hand slightly.

"Oh sorry love!" The man blurted out.

I looked up to see a tall, fit, blue eyed man. "Oh my god!" I thought to myself. "This is Ben Hardy!"

"Oh you're alright! Don't worry about it!" I said looking right in his eyes.

"What would you like? I'll grab you something." Ben asked kindly.

"Anything! Give me whatever you're having!" I said laughing.

"Mhm! Good choice!" He said happily. "Oh and my names Ben by the way."

"Lovely to meet you. Congratulations on your win tonight!" I said excitedly.

"Ahh thanks! The boys and I are thrilled!" Ben replied smirking while pink flushed his cheeks. "So who are you with tonight?" Ben asked.

"No one actually." I said looking down as I was merely embarrassed.

"Ahh I see!" Ben said smiling. "Well if you'd like I can introduce you to my mates over at our table?"

"Of course! That sounds amazing!" I replied almost too quickly.

"Brilliant! Oh and sorry but I didn't get your name?" He said.

"My names (Y/N)!" I replied.

"Alright (Y/N), I'll show you to our table. And you're absolutely stunning by the way!" Ben said with no hesitation what so ever!

I couldn't stop smiling! Ben took my hand and lead me to the table where Gwilym, Joe, Lucy, and Rami were sat. At the table was also the Brian May and Roger Taylor! It was incredible! Once we arrived at the table Ben pulled out a chair for me so I could sit down. He sat right next to me.

"Everyone, this is (Y/N)! She's very lovely so I decided to bring her to our table if thats alright?" Ben proclaimed.

Everyone replied with slurred yes's and yeahs as they were becoming slightly drunk. They all smiled at me and continued talking amongst each other. Ben and I cracked open our drinks and followed in the others path. We were becoming slightly buzzed. Ben asked me if I wanted to dance and I couldn't say no. I sat up from my chair and Ben pulled me in close. The song playing was not a slow dancing track but it didn't matter to us. He put his hand on my lower back, and the other wrapped tightly in my right hand. My other arm over his right shoulder. We were laughing hysterically as people around were starting to take notice. We were stumbling on each others feet making us laugh ever harder.

"Oh my! Ben we're the best dancers ever!" I said winking.

"Hey!" Ben said loudly with a toothy smile. "I think I'm doing pretty well!"

"Mhm, right" I said sarcastically.

I placed my head on Ben's shoulder as we started swaying back and forth. I felt Ben's pointer finger under my chin as he slowly started to lift my head up to face his.

"(Y/N)...You're so beautiful!" Ben said slowly as the alcohol was slowly consuming the both of us.

I went in for a kiss and Ben embraced it. He took both of his hands to caress my cheeks. Something about that kiss made me fall head over heels for him.

"Mhm!" Be drunkly moaned through kisses.

I heard Joe pop open a new bottle of champagne and yelled "To our win and Ben's new potential relationship!"

Ben and I broke off the kiss to look in Joes direction.

"Oh shut up!" Ben retorted.

Throughout the night I was able to get to know Ben's friends! It was really fun. As the night went on it became a blur! All I remember from that point on was Ben politely driving me home!

The morning after the awards and after party I woke up with the worst hangover of my life. All of a sudden I was receiving multiple text messages from a number my phone didn't recognize. I was being sent selfies of Ben and I! I unfortunately don't remember taking these cute and silly pictures but I'm glad I now have them!


Hey this is Ben by the way!


Hey! These are absolutely adorable! I just wish I remembered taking them!😂


I don't remember either haha! But I was wondering if you'd like to go out later?

Of course I accepted and if it wasn't for the Golden Globes I would never have met Ben and had the night of my life!

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