Golden Globes

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Ben exclaims practically screaming!

"What's the matter babe?" I yell from upstairs.

"Come down here please! The Golden Globe nominations have just come out!" Ben yelled barely able to speak.

I ran down the stars as quickly as possible. I plopped on the couch right next to him. Ben puts his phone right in my face like a child.

"Do you see this (Y/N) or am I going crazy!" He said with the cutest smile on his face! "I've been nominated for the Best Supporting Actor!"

"Oh my god! That's fantastic baby! I'm so happy for you! You deserve this so much!" I said giving him a big hug!

Ben pulls me in for a kiss. His arms wrapping around my body. Slowing making their way to my cheeks. Then running his fingers through my hair. That lasted a few pleasurable minutes!

"Babe this is going to be the best night ever! If I win or lose just being nominated is an honor! I need a tux and you need a dress!" Ben was practically shaking with excitement at this point!

I had never seen him this excited literally EVER! None the less I was so happy for him! He works so hard and is an absolutely brilliant actor. He truly deserves this award!

Time Skip...

It was the night of the Golden Globes and I had on such a beautiful black dress. It had a large cut down the left side. It was also an off the shoulder dress which made me fall in love with it even more. I paired it with opened toed nude heels! Ben wore a classic black tux which looked so handsome on him! He was so damn hot it's almost to much to handle sometimes😉

"Oooh! You look so sexy but beautiful of course!" Ben said completely checking me out.

"Well you're not looking to good! I can't believe I have to take pictures with you tonight...looking like that!" I said giggling as I playfully hit his arm as I walked towards the door.

"I love you!" Ben said with a smile from ear to ear.

He opens the door and leads me to the limousine waiting outside.

Another time skip...

We had made it through all the photographs and interviews. Neither of us tripped on the red carpet...thank god! Ben held my hand almost the whole time which was really cute. Ben found our table and we sat down waiting for the shown to start. An hour later the lights turned down and the cameras turned on! The shown had begun and Ben was beyond ready. He started to squeeze my hands as he looked at me with wide eyes, pure joy projected across his face! I love when he's happy! Soon enough Ben's category was going to be announced.

"Alright, next up is the award for Best Supporting Actor. The nominees are..." The presenter said.

They call Ben's name. Ben turns to me and says,

"(Y/N), I'm nervous." Ben said shaking a little.

I take his hand and hold it tight.

"You've got this baby, you don't want to miss the moment they call your name!" I said giving him a wink.

Ben turns around as the presenter begins to open the winning envelope!

"The winner is... Ben Hardy!"

Ben stands up in complete and utter shock. He turns to me and gives me a big hug ending with a kiss. All the cameras turn to Ben. He begins to walk on stage. He stands proudly at the mic and began his acceptance speech.

"Wow! This is incredible!" Ben said scanning the large auditorium! "I don't know where to start! I have nothing prepared, obviously!" Ben said sarcastically making the crowd laugh. "I'd like to start with thanking the academy of course, um my parents for their overwhelming support over the course of my acting career. My directors, cast, and crew members for making this film so pleasurable to work on. And most importantly, the love of my life (F/N) (L/N)! If it wasn't for her, my life would be a mess. She keeps me grounded and supports me through everything! I love you so much, thank you!" Ben finishes while looking me in the eyes!

I teared up! How could I not have! He is just the most amazing man a woman could ask for. A few minutes pass by and Ben sits down next to me.

"I can't believe this! We did it (Y/N)!" Ben proclaims! Kissing my passionately.

"No, you did it! This was all you babe! I'm so proud of you! And your speech was lovely! Thanks for saying all those nice things about little ol' me!" I said laughing.

Ben was now a Golden Globe winner as he always deserved to be and he's all mine! 😉

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