Lost Time

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"Ben, I can't keep up. I miss you." You said as you wiped away a tear that was rolling down your cheek, "I feel like I never see you anymore."

"(Y/N)..." Ben sighed, "My career is finally taking off. I don't know what you want me to do!" He huffed.

"All I want, is to be able to spend more time with you, but clearly you don't feel the same." You tried not to break down into tears as Ben looked at you, emotionless.

"My career is what's important right now (Y/N). I've been dreaming about this moment my whole life." Ben started to pace around the room. "I think we should-"

"Should what?" You scoffed as you picked your head up immediately at the start of Ben's sentence, scared of what was about to come out of his mouth.

"You know...take a break."

"You mean breakup? I can't even believe this right now." You felt your heart crumble into millions of pieces, "We've been together for 2 years and you want to give up on us now?"

"If that's what needs to happen, then yes. You haven't been too happy in this relationship as of late either."

"I hope all your dreams come true." You began to cry as you went upstairs to pack up your belongings.

Ben sat in the kitchen as he watched you run up the stairs, contemplating his decision, his quick action.

Two weeks later

You stayed at a friends house after the break up as you didn't have family living nearby. Two weeks later, you were still completely heart broken. You longed for Ben's presence and his warming touch, but it was all over. You thought you'd never see him again unless it was on the telly because you knew deep down that he was going to make it big.

You were meant to get you're period but it never came. You were extremely anxious, thousands of thoughts ran through your head. I can't be! There's absolutely no way! I'm not pregnant am I? Your mind was going to explode, you couldn't take it any longer. You ran into your friends bathroom and looked for a pregnancy test, finding multiple in a drawer. You immediately took the test and waited eagerly for the results to appear.

You looked down at the test as tears filled your eyes. You scanned over the results seeing 2 thin pink lines appear in the mini window. "I'm pregnant with Ben's child!" You whisper as your voice shakes uncontrollably. Unbelievable! What's Ben gonna think? I can't tell him!

You knew Ben couldn't take care of a child with his career finally skyrocketing, so you ultimately decided to have the child on your own. You never ended up telling him because the breakup was so sudden and you felt that Ben wouldn't care anyways.

A year later (Present Day)

It was a beautiful day in London so you decide to go to Hyde Park with your beautiful baby girl, (B/N). You dress her in a yellow t-shirt and jeans with little pink sandals.

It breaks your heart that (B/N) has such a strong resemblance to her father and that she has yet to meet him. A ginormous guilt resides on your conscience as Ben still has yet to find out that he has a daughter. He has the right to know. You don't want Ben to miss priceless moments and memories of her daughter growing up and (B/N) not having her father present in her life. But how am I going to tell him?

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