Falling In and Out of Love

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You've just been cast in you're biggest movie role yet. You're the love interest for the main character, played by Ben Hardy. Today was your first day on set, getting fitted for your costumes.

"Alright baby! I'm leaving!" You call upstairs to your boyfriend Jake.

You've been together with Jake for a year and a half now. This is your longest relationship to date. You could never keep a relationship because the men you'd go for were total pricks and played with your heart like it was a toy. Jake was different.

He snuggles up to you in bed when you're on your period, makes breakfast for you in the morning, gives you kisses when you're sad and always sticks up for you when you're in a sticky situation. To you, that was love. Someone who was always there, loving you constantly, but you couldn't always say everything was picture perfect. As everyone does, he has flaws.

He's nosy, impatient and your least favorite, he gets very jealous when you talk with your other guy friends, even interrupting conversations just to pull you away so he can have you to himself. This bugs you a lot as an actress. You're around men all the time, working...acting.

You are relived that Jake wasn't coming to set with you today. You can meet the cast on your own without the fear of Jake's jealousy.

You hear loud footsteps coming from the stairwell. Jake appears, walking over to you. Pressing his lips against your forehead.

"Good luck today! You'll have to tell me all about it when you get home!" Jake smiles, pulling you into a hug.

"I will, I will!" You emphasize as you wave and walk out the door.


You arrive on set and were quick to notice a buff, blonde stunner, speaking with the costume designer.

"(Y/N)!" You hear Maggie the costume designer call out from behind who you assume to be your co-star, Ben. "Come come! I have someone I think you should meet!" She smiles, waving you in their direction.

Taking little to no time, you reach them.

You follow Ben's eyes as they scan your body from the feet up, low key checking you out. You can't help and think how handsome he is, but you have a boyfriend which stops that thought immediately.

"I think you know who this is right?" Maggie says intrigued as she and Ben await your answer.

"Well I would hope so!" You giggle, trying not to blush too hard, "Ben right?" You ask, still laughing, as you try and verify your thought.

"Yeah yeah! You're right!" Ben smiles, putting his hand out to shake yours.

Like a puzzle piece, your hand fits perfectly in his. Your heart flutters at the touch of his skin. (Y/N)! Stop it! You have a boyfriend that you love! You unconvincingly continue to blast those words through your mind.

Ben looks up at you. Little to your knowledge his heart was rapidly beating, as butterflies fill his stomach. He had done some pre-costume fitting research about you. Ben never likes to meet someone without knowing a little bit about them before hand. When he saw your images pop up on his google search, he nearly had a heart attack. He thinks your absolutely beautiful and admires your past works and roles in other films and television programs. As his hand meets with yours, he wishes for more than just hand to hand contact.

There's an awkward pause after your hands separate, leaving Maggie to break the silence.

"Ehh! Where to begin! I've got both of your first fittings over here!" She theatrically moves across the floor, reaching for both outfits.

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