I Miss You

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Ben was at Paris Fashion Week which made you extremely jealous. You would have gone with, if it wasn't for your best friend's birthday. You tend to go everywhere with Ben when he travels, but it couldn't happen this time.

Day after your best friends party

You scrolled through your Instagram, seeing countless pictures of Ben at the Dunhill fashion show. You picked out the outfit Ben wore, the eye catching orange leather jacket. It looked amazing on him. You got a notification that Ben texted you.

Hey love! Want to FaceTime?

Yes! I'll call you now!

You opened your MacBook and called him immediately. You missed him so much that you couldn't bear another minute without speaking to him.


"Hello beautiful! How are you?" Ben said as he adjusted his camera.

"Hi!" You smiled. "Fine, but I miss you like crazy!"

"I miss you too! You'd love it here!" Ben said as he seemed eager to tell you something. "I may or may not have, asked a few designers to send you a some custom pieces."

"Ben, you're joking! I wish I could hug and kiss you right now!" You said as your jaw dropped, your hands covering your mouth.

"There's plenty of time for that tomorrow." He said grinning as he stared directly into the camera. "I couldn't come to Paris, without bring a little something back for you."

"A little something? Ben, this is huge! Thank you!"

"Anything for you my love. Anyways how was (you're best friends name)'s birthday. I know you said you were excited about it."

"Really fun! I have a slight hangover but it was totally worth it." You answered laughing.

*Knock knock*

"Hey, someone's at the door. Hold on, I'll be right back." Ben said frantically as he sat up to grab the door. "Shit, come in real quick. I'm on FaceTime with (Y/N)." You heard Ben say through the speakers of your MacBook.

You saw Rami enter the frame of your computer.

"Say hi to her will ya?" Ben sounded annoyed. "I need to find something to wear!"

Rami sat in front of Ben's phone. "Hey (Y/N)! Your stupid boyfriend forgot about the show we're scheduled to attend in about 30 minutes."

"Ey! Watch it!" You heard Ben call from across the room.

"Oh Ben!" You laughed as Rami looked annoyed.

"You keep distracting him!" Rami said as a smile broke across his face.

"That's what I'm here for right!" You teased.

Ben appeared back in your MacBook's frame, looking rather dapper.

"Okay!" Ben said breathing heavily. "How does this look?"

"You look very sharp, I love it!" You replied proudly.

"Yeah yeah...let's go!" Rami said trying to get Ben out the door.

"Ahh! Okay, thanks (Y/N)! I'll see you tomorrow! I miss you!"

"I miss you too! Don't have to much fun with out me!" You said waving, before you ended the call.

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