Video Game

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(Y/F/R) = Your favorite restaurant

(Y/NN) = Your nickname


You and Ben just got home from your 3 year anniversary dinner. Ben took you to your absolute favorite restaurant, (Y/F/R). It was delicious! Every year, you and Ben make an agreement, not to get each other an anniversary gift. But all last week, the only thing Ben could talk about was the new FIFA 2K19 game. You decided to go out and buy it for him, as a little secret anniversary surprise. You wrapped it up and hid it in your shared bedroom closet.

"Thanks for the dinner baby!" You say as Ben shuts the door behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I love you!" He whispers in your ear, sending goosebumps down your spine.

You break away from Ben's gentle grip, turning around to look him in his ocean blue eyes, "I'll be right back! Stay here!"

You quickly run to the stairs when you hear Ben yell, "What? I'm so confused."

"I have a surprise!" You say singing loudly, once you've reached the bedroom closet, grabbing the game.

You run back down. Ben is sitting on the couch, one leg crossed over the other and his hands behind his head.

"You look comfortable!" You say out of breath from running up and down a flight of stairs.

"Yeah I am." Ben sounds very confused, "What's that in your hand?"

"I know we said we weren't gonna get gifts again this year but...just open it!"

You hand the rectangular wrapping to Ben.

"Love, you really didn't need to get anything!" He says blushing, "I feel horrible now! I haven't gotten you anything!"

"It's really nothing! When you open it, you'll probably laugh. It's nothing serious." You insist as he begins to tear apart the silver wrapping paper.

The paper begins to hit the floor, revealing the new installment of the FIFA gaming franchise. Ben's face lights up, his eyes going wide.

"(Y/N)!" Ben says shouting with a large smile, "How did you know I wanted this?"

"You must be joking! Do you not remember talking about it all last week?" You snuggle next to Ben on the couch as he inspects his new game.

"Did I really talk about it that much?" Ben teases you, kissing the top of your head, "Thanks love!"

"I told you, it wasn't a big deal!" You kiss his lips, Ben cupping your face with his hands, suddenly making the kiss more passionate.

"Wanna play with me?" Ben pulls back from your lips, again grabbing the game.

"If I must!" You sarcastically roll your eyes in response.

Ben opens the component, taking the game out cautiously. He slips the game into his gaming consul. Ben hands you a remote as he sits back down next to you.

"Ready to get crushed!" Ben says overly confident.

"Watch It! You never know! I could be the best FIFA player in the world."

" choose your team love."

You don't keep up with football so you don't know what teams are good, so you choose one based off your favorite color. I hope they're good!

"You've picked the worst team babe!" Ben says giggling.

"Are you serious?!" You begin stressing.

"I have an even better chance of wining now!"

"Don't get to confident Jones!"

Before the game begins, you put both legs over Ben's, getting comfy. You lay your head against the side of Ben's arm.

The game starts and you have no idea how to play. You begin to smash multiple buttons at once. Your character steals the ball from Ben's, making you giggle.

"How'd you do that?" Ben laughs.

"Like I said, watch out!" You grin at him, knowing deep down, that you have no idea how you did that.

Suddenly your character kicks the ball into the goal! The score now, 1-0. Ben tuts to himself, ashamed by his lack of skill in the game so far.

"You just got lucky, that's all!" Ben prepares himself for the next kick off.



The game finally concludes after an hour of play. The final score being 2-1, you. You have no idea how you've managed to beat your boyfriend, who plays FIFA quite often with his mates.

"I'll give it to you (Y/NN), you're pretty solid." Ben says admitting to his loss.

"I hope you know, that whole time I had no idea what I was doing." You giggle, tilting your head up, kissing Ben's jawline.

"Rematch?" Ben eagerly asks.

"If you say so! Are you mentally prepared to lose again?" You say in a joking manner.

"Bring it on!"

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